30-Civil war (C.A.Civil war)

Start from the beginning

Clint: He's ready to go . Had to put a little coffee in him , but he should be good

The guy gets out of van

???: What time zone is this

He then sees Steve

???: Captain America !

He shakes Steve's hand

Steve: Mr.Lang

Scott: It's an honor . I'm shaking your hand too long . Wow ! This is Captain America

Peggy(chuckling): You're fan of Steve ?

Scott: Yeah , why ?

Peggy: Not even Y/N had this reaction when he met Steve for the first time

Scott: Y/N ? Who's Y/N ?

Peggy: Nevermind

Scott: Oh okay

He then look at Wanda

Scott: Oh I know you too , you're great . Oh and  I wanna say that you know a lot of super people , so thanks for thinking of me

He then sees Sam

Scott: Hey man

Sam: What's up Tic-Tac

As the two of them talking I have the feel that they know each other

Peggy: Did they tell you what we're up against ?

Scott: Something about some psycho-assassins ?

Steve: We're outside the law on this one . So if you come with us , you're wanted man

Scott: Yeah well , what else is new ?

Clint: We should get going . They got chopper lined up

The intercom turns on and the guy makes it known , the airport was beign evacuated

Sam: Stark

Scott: Stark ?

Steve then look at us

Steve: Suit up

I then go to change to my suit and was kinda sad . If Y/N's gonna be there , we're probably gonna fight . After that i go ove to Steve

Steve: You ready ?

Peggy: Yea . But Y/N . If he's gonna be there .

Steve: I know . But he loves you Peggy . He'll understand

Peggy: Okay , I'm ready .

Steve: Okay . You and Bucky are with me

As Steve and I make out way towards the chopper , it gets disabled

Steve and I look uo and see Tony and Rhodey in their suits . They then land down to us

Tony: Wow , it's so weird how you run into the people at the airport . Don't you think that's weird ?

Rhodey: Definitely weird

Steve: Hear me out Tony . That doctor , the psychiatrist , he's behind all this

Steve and I then turn around and see Black panther

T'challa: Captains

We just nods

Peggy: Your highness

Y/N then lands next to Tony in his suit

Y/N: Ross gave us 36 hours to bring you guys in . That was 24 hours ago . Can you help a bother out ?

Peggy: You're after wrong guy

Tony: And your judgement is askew . Steve , your old war buddy killed innocents people yesterday

Steve: And there are five more super soldiers like him

Peggy: We can't let the doctor find them first . We just can't

Then Natasha and some man in green suit and hood appear

Nat: Peggy , Steve . You know what's about to happen . Do you really want punch your way out of this one ?

Steve and I look at each other

Steve: If we have to

Y/N: Oh and anyway , Peggy , this is my dad

I look at the guy with the hood and nod to him

Peggy: It's pleasure to finally meet you

Jack: Likewise . I know Y/N said that you're beautiful , but... damn

Y/N: Dad , she's mine you know ?

Jack: I'm sorry

Y/N: Where's the kid

Tony: Yea , I was thinking about the same thing . Underoos !

Then suddenly webs shoot down from the sky and bind Steve's hands and stole his shield . I instantly knew who it was

Y/N: Good job kid

Peter: Yeah I could....

Y/N: Hey we discuss that

Peter: Yea , sorry . Captains , I'm big fan , Scarlet-Spider

Y/N: You can discuss that later

Peter: Yeah . Hey everyone

Tony: Enough

I can help , but I love to see Peter so happy , but still...

Peggy: Y/N , don't tell you brought Peter into this

Y/N: I didn't . Tony did that . I recruited my dad

Tony: Oh my god and now there's two of you

Y/N: I take that as a compliment

Tony sighs and I chuckle . Y/N always knew how to make me smile

Tony then tell us that what they're doing is because they want stay Avengers together and not tear apart

Steve: You and Y/N did that when you sign

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