Chapter 1

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Nobody POV:

A usual day in the hotel. Players arrive through the elevator with a span of 1 - 4 at a time, they open a few doors, they die. That's the cycle. Sometimes the don't die until very later on, sometimes they make it to the end! Figure however, breaks the elevator making it so that they would have to go through another floor. This however, doesn't matter because it isn't relative to the story in ANY WAY.

The players had made it through 31 doors without a single one dying. This was a group of 3. One of them seemed to know exactly what they were doing but the other two were conpletely clueless and copied everything that one player did for eg: getting into a closet when the lights flicker or searching in rooms for stuff. Since they had made it so far, Seek decided to give them a little gift.

He spawned 3 eyes within the next room they walked into frightening two of them but the other seemed only a tiny bit nervous as if they knew Seek was going to appear soon. Seek found this strange but brushed it off as it wasn't that big of a deal. The next room, more eyes. The two were hugging each other but the other had the same look as before. More eyes. This became a bit more regular so all three didn't have more of a reaction.

Finally, a long hallway with no eyes whatsoever. This is when the third one looked most nervous. Seek could hear their footsteps on the floor so he got himself ready. As they neared the door, he sprouted from underneath and started running at them. One of them decided to run to a closet and hide which made Seeks job a lot more easier. He opened the closet using his jumpscare to kill the player. One down, 2 too go. He started accelerating himself a bit more than usual. One went the wrong way giving Seek plenty of time to catch up. Jumpscare, dead, one more. The other one was at the last sequence already looking at the door with gleaming eyes however since they were so focused on the door, Seek used his hand to grab the player and squeeze them to death. He watched as they exploded and black ink splattered everywhere. One thing he knows well is that after every chase sequence, all damage that is done goes back to normal so he doesn't need to clean up the mess he made. However he didn't seem too notice the sound of a closet moving around a bit.

A few seconds later, the being inside let out a scream while flinging the closet doors open. Seek moved back a bit in response with his pupil shrinking slightly. The being let out a laugh as Seek relaxed his shoulders "YOU SHOULDVE SEEN YOUR FACE HAHAHAHKSLF-" before he could finish his laughing he started choking mid-way. Seek had a slightly disappointed expression as Jack had a coughing fit. Seek would tell him off if he could speak but he doubts that would stop Jack anyways. "Why are you here?" Seek writes on a paper Jack gave him. "Oh right! Timothy found these pills in one of his drawers and said to give them to you" Jack says with his hand out. Seek takes it and looks at the pill bottle. It was huge. It was probably almost the size of Screech. He reads the label in his mind as his eyes widen. Suddenly he's filled with joy which causes a mouth to form. Seek takes this chance too swallow the pill so he puts it in his mouth and Jack gives him some water. "Well? What's it supposed to do?" Jack says curiously. The pills Timothy gave him were special. Apparently it's for entities like Seek which causes them to be able to speak without needing to form a mouth with an emotion. Seek decides to test it out with Jack too see if it's a fake. He wonders what he should say. "WELL???" Jack says still waiting for his reply "Oh right. These pills allow me to tal-" "WOAHH WHAT- HOW- YOU'RE TALKING WITHOUT A MOUTH???" Jack says in a fit of confusion. "The pills gave me the ability to speak Jack" Seek replies. His voice is very monotone and clearly not what Jack had expected his voice to sound like. "How long does it last?" "About a week but leading to the end of the week my voice will be a bit graspy" Jack still looks a little shocked at the fact Seek can speak now but knows he probably shouldn't make a big deal about it. "Hey, now that I have a voice, can I explore a bit? I haven't ever been able to exit my domain besides the eyes and it gets boring in here" Seek asks "Sure, where do you wanna g-" before Jack finishes his sentence he decides something in his mind. He was going to prank Seek by taking him to a random room. Not such a great idea if you think about it but Jack loves pranks even if they're bad. "So could I go to the meeting ro-" "What's that? You want me too take you somewhere random? Okay then here just hop on in this closet!" Jack says, pulling Seek into his closet and teleporting them to another one. "Wait no that's not what I-" "See ya Seek! In 30 minutes time this closet can take you back" "No wait-" Jack shuts his closet close leaving Seek in an unknown domain.

He hears footsteps somewhere, they don't belong to a player. 'Shit where am I? No one's told me about a Library domain-' the footsteps speed up as the noise creeps closer too him. The closet behind him won't open but he keeps trying which causes the closet to make a rattling noise. Seek feels a presence behind him so he whips his body around and comes face to face with an entity. It was a lot taller than Seek so it kind of leaned over him a bit creating an intimidating effect on Seek. The entity then grabbed onto Seek by the arms but immediately dropped him as it felt his gooey body (that sounds so weird wth). "What.. are you?" It said with a graspy voice. "I am.. Seek. Yeah that's right. I'm another entity just like you" Seek said which sounded incredibly untrustworthy. The entity didn't seem too believe that and bit Seeks head. It hurt only a bit but didn't do any damage too him seeing as he was literally an immortal entity. The entity however didn't pull back after feeling this but instead bit deeper into his head which hurt a lot more. That's gonna leave a mark. "Hey could you not?" Seek said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. There was no reply. Seek decided to try and push him away which worked for a second but resulted in him being pulled in even more. 'It's only been 5 minutes and this is the situation I'm in?' Thought Seek while cursing Jack at the back of his mind.

The two entities just layed there for a few minutes until Seek noticed a slight snoring noise. The entity had fallen asleep. Seek took this opportunity to pull out of his sturdy arms and explore the place a bit. The Library was bigger than the ones he's heard the other entities describe. There was a paper on the table which had a code sequence written on it. He then noticed that there wasn't really a way out of this room except for unlocking the door but he couldn't bother to find the books for the code so he just decided to wait a bit. While waiting he moved the entity onto one of the couches which drained a lot of his power and took a lot of his time. This however was in Seeks advantage as it took him 5 minutes to explore, 10 minutes to move the entity upstairs and onto of the large couch and another 10 minutes reading a book. It had been 30 minutes. He decided to check if the closet would open or not in which it did. He hopped inside and felt a bit nauseous for a second but it suddenly went away. He opened the closet again to find himself back in his domain.

Glitch came running up to him as Seek layed on the ground tired from the stress and random things he was doing. "Wh3re w3r3 y0u?!" He asks with a tint of concern. "I don't know." Seek replies with his monotone voice leaving Glitch shocked.
"S!nc3 wh3n c0uld y0u t@lk?!" Glitch asks. It seems Seek forgot that he couldn't talk 30 minutes ago. "Oh right. Timothy told Jack to give me those pills and they gave me a voice." He says pointing at the abnormally big pill bottle in the corner of the room. "H0w is th@t ev3n p0ss!ble?? A mer3 p!ll sh0uldn't be @ble to d0 th@t!" Glitch says increasing the panic and stress in his voice.

"Have fun?" Said a familiar voice coming from the closet. It was Jack. Jack however was lucky by the fact that Seek was worn out from moving the heavy entity across the room. "You know, I would burn your closet right now but I'm too tired to so get lost." Seek said as if it was a casual thing to say. Jack tensed knowing that Seek could actually do that and teleported to the hangout room. "Glitch you can go too, I'm gonna take a nap." He said "0h @lright I und3rst@nd." Glitch replies, acknowledging the fact that Seek's too tired to do anything. Glitch teleported away while waving leaving Seek all alone.

At least he could get some rest now..


1686 words

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