9 | Short Chapter - ZZZ

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ZZZ headquarters.

"Your Majesty, we couldn't find the evidence and-"


Blood dripped from the head, lying lifeless on the ground. The man growled, threw his pistol to the window.

"Wonjae, calm down." A man near him, Hyungsuk, pulled his shoulder but Wonjae threw his hand away. Hyungsuk sighed, asking the members to get rid of the dead body.


It was important evidence of what ZZZ did in the past two years. Everything they did like drugs, weapons, and others. The most was human organ trafficking from the people they killed.

He couldn't believe that SKZ knew he hid the files and bills in the college, the place he had a deal with. There was no use to bomb the place since it was gone, now they were being targeted by the police.

"Find the college owner." He said to the leader of the team. The members immediately took their pistols.

"And what do we have to do, Your Majesty ?"

"You know."

The leader nodded, then left ZZZ headquarters with his team. He just smirked, if Chan really wanted to play with him, he would follow his game.

"Wonjae, what's your plan ?"

"Chan and his father really want to get rid of me, of us. Isn't it not enough for me to kill his brother?"

"Chan had a brother ?"

"Yeah, but still in his mother's tummy." He smirked. "The baby was being a shield for her."

Hyungsuk was shocked. That's why Chan's mother, Mrs. Bang, didn't die five years ago. Five years ago, Wonjae finally knew the facts about why SKZ separated from ZZZ and also why his father, the King, died sixteen years ago.

He was out of control, attacking SKZ headquarters without any plan. He lost so many team members but he could shoot Mrs. Bang who was pregnant for eight months. Mrs. Bang was safe, but not the baby.

"I think Chan wants revenge."

"I know, but first-" Wonjae stopped, taking a photo of a girl pinned on the wall with an X on her face.

"How about killing Roselyne Bang ? Also with her baby when she's finally pregnant ?"

(✔️) The Undercover Prince | Bang ChanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat