8 | Practice

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"Mrs. Beth, where are we going ?"

"To the training area, Your Majesty."

We entered the maze, turning several times, then finally arrived at the exit. She stopped at a gate in the big garden behind the maze and opened it. My husband was there with his seven members.

I saw a wide field with some practice areas such as climbing, jumping, flying with ropes and more. Could be said this was a physical training area for the mafias.

I looked at them in awe. Felix and Jisung jumped from an artificial cliff with a height of up to 6 meters. Minho and Hyunjin were practicing fighting with their bare hands. Changbin and Jeongin seemed to have just arrived, they were doing push-ups to warm up, while Seungmin was putting a safety harness on his waist before climbing.

This was amazing, being a member of the mafia was no joke. No one could be vulnerable.

"Your Majesty, Princess is here. I apologize for being late." Mrs. Beth bent to Chan. He just nodded.

"Not your fault, Mrs. Beth. You can go back to work." He talked to Mrs. Beth but his eyes were on me, checking on my outfit to make sure I didn't miss anything.

"So on time." He said sarcastically, looking at his wristwatch that showed 7.30. I just sighed, it was his fault too and why was he so annoying ?

"I'm sorry."

Mrs. Beth woke me up at 6 in the morning but I couldn't wake up. I was so tired and sleepy because he kept me awake until 3 am, ruining me like a beast.

I finally jumped out of your bed at 6.50, quickly taking a bath and changing into the outfit he had chosen for me. Too late, I knew that, remembering that he told me to be at this place at 7.

I just hoped he wouldn't give me any 'punishment'. I was exhausted.

"I never tolerate being late, Roselyne, even though you're my wife."

He walked over, looking at my chest. It's covered in a jacket but he could see the hickeys he made last night near my shoulder. I realized what he was looking at, making me quickly reach for the zipper of my jacket.

 I realized what he was looking at, making me quickly reach for the zipper of my jacket

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He chuckled, letting go of my hand. He took over the zipper and zipped it up to my neck. "Don't let anyone see my painting."

His whisper gave me goosebumps, made me take my eyes off him. I snorted in annoyance, it's his own fault for always telling me to wear revealing clothes. Did my boobs look so pleasing in his eyes?

Yes, maybe that's right. No need for a boobs-plumper.

"Now run around this field, fifty times."

"F-fifty ?"

He didn't answer, indicating that what he said was not wrong. I had no other choice but to obey him. It's my choice. I asked him to train me.

The field was so wide and the sun was starting to warm the garden. I remembered I was in the mountain area. The sun was directed to my head.

I started to run, hoping that I would be okay.

Five rounds,

Ten rounds,

Fifteen rounds,

Twenty rounds.

Dammit, I felt growing pain in my feet along with sweat on my forehead.

"Chan, is she okay ? You never told any mafia women to run more than twenty times."

I heard Felix talking to him when I passed by, probably feeling that he was too much for giving me a double standard than the other mafia women. But before he replied, Felix parted his lips and nodded. He understood.

"You understand, Felix ?"

"Yes. Roselyne is the princess. She needs to be more than others."

"Of course, I know she's strong."

Strong ? I didn't think so–



"Chan, I'm sorry."

"How many times do I need to say that this is not your fault ?"

I was munching my food, having breakfast in bed with him beside me. I just fainted because of exhaustion and not having breakfast, just that, and I was so chill. But not for him, Chan was extremely worried. He didn't take my eyes off of me, keep making sure I was okay.

One thing I noticed about him, he was not that cold anymore. He talked more, being sweet and touchy. He sometimes chuckled or smiled, even though it was mostly when he wanted to tease me.


"Hum ?"

"Uh, thank you for being sweet to me. I'm sorry if I'm forcing you to change."

He smiled, moved closer and caressed my cheek. He cleaned some bread crumbs in the corner of my lips. "I want to change because I love you, we need to change to be a better partner for each other. You never forced me, I'm the one who did it many times. I'm the one who needs to say sorry-"

"I want to change too, Chan."

"Change ?"

I ate my last bite and drank my water. I stood up, pulling his hand to the door.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Continue the practice."


He carried my body bridal style, placing me on the bed again. He kissed my forehead but I was still pouting, disagreed that he said no.

"Chan please, I can't accept that I'm so weak from fainting just because of running. I want to be strong and be a good member."

"You did great and it's enough for today. You will have another training session tomorrow. Now take some rest, you can spend your time today on your thesis or anything you like. You need to be healthy to be strong. Remember, every change needs time, baby."

What did he just say ? Baby ?

He just called me baby ?

Dang !

I blushed, trying to avoid his gaze on me. "I'm going to the library." I pushed him away, but when I sat up, he pulled me back under him.

"Nervous ?" He mumbled. Shit.

I scowled, immediately hiding my face in his chest and hugging him. He laughed, hugged me back tightly and kissed all over my face.

"Such a shy baby."


"That's my hobby."

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