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18 Century:
Victorian Era:
Ghakorine/ Gimnam kingdom:
[A dream place for any vampire where humans and Vampires live very peacefully]

"Do you think we would be able to escape this hell one day?" Asked Taehyung in a voice filled with solemnity as he looked up to the moon brightening upon the dark sky.

Besides its milky white brightness, his brown eyes observed the darkness in its surroundings. In his sight, the moon seemed to fail to conceal this doomed of the night.

He dazzled in a black gothic suit, His tanned skin gleamed in the dim moonlight. Anyone at that moment would fall for him and they did, many women in the dark castle had loosened thier heart over his handsome face.

However, it never fascinated Taehyung, Ever since he transferred himself into a blood-sucking creature a few months ago.

Taehyung often became curious about the world across that giant wall of the castle, And the lives that breathed freely unlike him. There was an urge that provoke him to escape this hell.

He wanted to see the free world with Jimin, He wanted to search for both of thier families. Taehyung was told that his emotions were on urge because of his transformation but only his heart was aware of the pain he would feel nowadays whenever he realized how much their lives were doomed.

"Of course, we will," Jimin replied, He hovered over the balcony where Taehyung was standing for the last few seconds staring at the moon. His one hand grasped a glass of red wine while his other hand settled his black shimmer coat as he just got up from the red velvet couch.

"We will escape this hell tonight once I transform" Jimin added certainly,  that assured Taehyung that they both will be able to get rid of a  life that merely gives them pain and humiliation, Although Jimin sounds impossible Taehyung preferred to believe.

Taehyung couldn't understand why but he just had that faith in Jimin. Perhaps, Taehyung wanted to believe that beautiful lie to reduce his scowling, It always lightened up the hope inside him and his urge to escape this hell merely increased.

Taehyung and Jimin both were vampire serfs for thier entire lives. They both didn't remember when they were sold to Shin Young Soo a two thousand years old pureblood vampire and a lord of the Gwang clan.

However, As far as thier mind could tell them, slavery was always been a part of thier lives. They grew up in this castle and lord Shin was the owner of thier lives, It was the only lesson they both were taught ever since they were a young child.

Many other serfs who would forcefully be brought to this castle were either sold by thier families or their masters had sold them. Whatever the care was, They remembered thier childhood memories, Sometimes they expressed how much they missed their loved ones.

However, unlike those serfs, Taehyung and Jimin lacked the words that could express the emotions of missing their loved ones, And the reason was as clear as the mirror, They had never witnessed that love, Family was a mystery Taehyung and Jimin always desired to solve.

The serf system in the Ghakorine kingdom was as old as the Gwang clan. Despite knowing the fact that many halfblood vampires would be brought daily none of any vampires could dare to raise their voice against Lord Shin and the reason was the position the Gwang clan and its lord held.

Lord Shin Young Soo was a two thousand years old pureblood Vampire, As he was the oldest one in the world therefore he was considered the Lord of all the vampire lords. He was the fifth king of the Ghakorine kingdom for the last thousand years, and nobody had the authority to raise his voice against him besides the Myeong clan.

A clan of halfblood vampires, someone who owned the Gimnam kingdom. Although Gimnam was still a small kingdom compared to the Ghakorine,  Lord Kim Seokjin the third king of the Gimnam never considered Lord Shin as his Lord. However, Lord Kim Seokjin also has thier boundaries he couldn't cross.

Despite being powerful and someone who owned the utmost deadliest weapon Kim Seokjin still prefer peace when it comes to his people.

"Okay, then I'm counting on you," After taking a few moments of silence Taehyung finally replied, His eyes scanned Jimin very well.

In a black shimmer suit, Jimin looked enchanted, his milky white supple skin looked clean as, like moonlight, his diamond earrings dangling upon his face shone like the starry night.

"You're gonna make so many girls wet in sweat today" Taehyung couldn't stop himself from praising his elegant looks with a slight smirk on his face while snatching the glass of wine.

Jimin concealed his face with an arrogant smile and he had all the rights indeed. It wasn't wrong to say that when it comes to mesmerizing beauty Jimin could beat many flawless women in a split second.

He was a great blender of manly charm and flawless beauty, Someone who could make even men fall for him and he had succeeded, many pureblood vampires had expressed thier feelings.

They often complimented him and expressed their love for him However, like Taehyung it merely made him suffer from pain. To Jimin, It was a kind of humiliation but he was merely supposed to smile at it and he felt like someone had lightened up the fire in his heart.

The ambiance was still solemn around them as Taehyung and Jimin silently glanced at the moon. They both lacked the words to express thier pain and sometimes they both hesitated but glancing at the moon together reduced thier pain.

The silence was a language they used as thier voice, To express how much they were broken from inside, How much that humiliation tore them apart.

"The moon is pretty," Jimin finally spoke a few words when the silence began to swallow their ability to tell them a lie.

Taehyung hummed only in agreement, "But it still couldn't remove the darkness of its surroundings, " He said, His lips carved a deep yet very painful smile, His words seemed to carry heavy meaning in themselves.

"You're being poetical nowadays," Jimin attempted to change the sorrowful wind with a slight teasing and he almost succeeded as Taehyung released a small Chuckle.

"Am I?"

"Hm, You think a lot ever since you transferred"

"I'm trying to arrange my thoughts"

"So you become thoughtful after you become a vampire"


"Taehyung-ah have you ever felt a headache before the transition? "

Taehyung looked befuddled at his question but before he could move his lips to ask the reason for his question, suddenly the wooden door creaked open, and Oh Nara the senior maiden who had been taking care of them since they both were kids entered a room without any hesitation.

As like always she didn't even prefer to knock on the door and clearly expressed that she had no respect for thier privacy. For Oh Nara, Taehyung and Jimin were an object placed in a museum.

Oh, Nara had become a thousand years old vampire,  she always being considered a woman who had a fearsome reputation because of her brutal nature. Her wrinkled face carved a mockery smile as she glanced at them.

"The guest of the night has arrived and Lord Young Soo asked you to come and join the evening" She commanded using a harsh tone. It was the only way she talked with them as Oh Nara never miss a chance to remind them that they both were nothing but minor serfs.

Taehyung obediently nodded his head, "We will be there within a second" He replied in a numb voice that boiled Jimin's blood in angst, He glared at her with his eyes filled with fire as if he would burn her alive and if it was possible for him, So Jimin would never hesitate to turn her flesh into ashes.

AN: I hope you liked this chapter, tell me in the comments how you feel, el and don't forget to click on the star ⭐☺️🤗

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Saranghae 💜


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