Part 1 let's goooooooooo 😎😎

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Content warning!! This chapter has things like violence, blood, mentions of weapons like guns, mentions of dead as a joke and cursing ofc :D if you don't like that you shouldn't read this :) this whole book is going to be one big mess


Sometimes all i think about is you~
Late nights in the middle of june~

I heard my phone sing when i woke up. Who the hell is calling me on my day off at 1.13 pm?? An unknown number?? Okayyyyyy?? I answered the call and started speaking in my morning voice. "Hello??" Wow fucking hell my voice sounds great. "Hello are you interested in buying guns, bombs or even nukes?" A unknown voice speaks on the other end in a cheerful tone. "What the hell" i blurt out while processing what the actual fuck i just heard.
"Sir im a minor" "so? Im too" "..." "Oh fuck never mind this is the wrong number omg forget about this omg im going to get in trouble" he starts to panic. "Um good bye?" I say and hang up.

What the fuck.

I decide to get up from my bed since im not tired anymore after that call. Im too lazy to change my clothes so im slaying the minecraft pyjama pants and random oversized t-shirt today. I slowly make my way to the bathroom to take a piss. After that i decide i will make breakfast for me and my kitty.

"C/n are you awake??" I call them while walking through my apartment. No answer. How rude🙄. I open the kitchen cabinet and get their food. Seems like they heard that because only a second later i see them waiting in front of the food bowl. "How did you- i swear to god you can teleport or something" i talk to c/n while giving them their food.

Then what should i eat. I look through all the breads i have. Damn it i don't have my favourite bread😭😭. I just take a random bread and put it in the toaster. After that i start taking things like butter, ham and juice from the fridge.


What the hell.

I turn around and my wall is gone. Cool ig. Oh and looks like there is that blond brat who works for villains in my living room. What was his name again. Oh well he seems to be harmless i mean he is probably dead when he looks like that. Whatever.

Suddenly i hear the voice of the person who i last want to hear on my day off. My boss. "Hey y/n sorry about your wall ☺️" Dream apologized. I look at him with 'are you fucking serious' look. He comes in from the hole where my wall used to be. Geez so rude don't you know how to use door🙄🙄. "Hellooo welcome to my home i guess" "haha thanks. Can you drop him to the police office? Im kinda in a hurry" "In my day off??" I look at him in horror. "Yes please" he says. "ugh fine even though i have no clue what the police is going to do to a seventeen years old boy who has obviously gotten beaten up" i sarcastically mutter. "Okay thank you y/n!! Also sorry about the wall. What can i do to repay this?" He asks. I look around my house and i see something horrible with my eyes. It's broken. My toaster. I can't believe this🥲. "Uhhh buy me a new toaster and my favourite bread and we can call it even"

I look at Dream flying away. "Meow" i hear from the living room. Is that blond guy a catboy????????? Oh nevermind it's my cat😃. C/n was walking over blondies dead body. "C/n you really have no respect for that poor guy?" C/n keeps walking on him. "C/n i know he is a villain but he is dead come on" i try to get them off of blondies corpse. I pick blondie up from floor and put him on my white couch. His blood stains my beautiful minecraft pyjama pants and my couch too i guess.

Damn it.

I go get my first aid kit and start cleaning blondies wounds. Why you may ask. Well while i was picking him up i realized he still has pulse so i guess i can patch him up. Also if i get him stop bleeding i don't need to clean my house from looking like a crime scene. I mean it already looks like one but oh well.

I got his wounds cleaned and put bandaids on them. Great now i need to buy more bandaids as well. Blondie was still asleep so i had no clue what i should do. Oh yeah i haven't eat anything yet. I walked back to my kitchen which was just a massive mess tbh right now. At least my fridge was still standing and working. I grabbed some meat balls that i had in there and started eating them even though they were cold. I could have warmed them but i couldn't find my microwave anymore. I guess it got broken too.

Then i remembered i actually needed to make a important call. I got my phone from my pocket (yes the pyjama pants have pockets now) and called. After few beebs he finally answered. "Hey foosh foosh could you be so kind and come fix my homes wall🥰" I asked respectfully. "how the hell did you break it again??" Damn no need to be so rude bitch. "Bold of you to assume it was me🙄" i heard him sigh in the other end. "What's wrong with your wall?" "Big hole :D" "how big?" "Uhhhhh as big as the wall?? :D" i heard him mutter something and then he answered "i'll get my tools and come" "yayyyy thanks bro <3" and he hang up. Damn no good bye i love you?? Im telling father about this.

Lmao hi what do you think of the first chapter?? :)) well if anyone never even ends up reading this.    

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