Bad Butterflies

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Wherein Regina isn't sure who her heart and mind desires.

or, Regina being in a relationship with Brian but loves Narda.


Regina is incomplete. Aside from her dad's position in their company, she already have everything else she wants and yet, she still feels like something is missing.

"Regina, what do you say we'll go have dinner later?" her boyfriend says, she can feel him looking at her.

"hmm." she pretends to think.

She honestly wanna say no. She's had dinner dates with him for months now. She sees him everyday. It's too much if you're going to ask her.

"come on babe, we'll do our usual routine after." he said as he walks towards her.

She looked at him, his smile showing yet his eyes hinting something unholy.

She smirks, "is that all your head can think of Brian?" she asked.

She saw how his smile vanished, "it's not like that Regina. It's just tha-" she cuts him off with a chuckle.

He sounds pathetic, honestly. Why does she even bother to be stuck with him if she thinks like this about him? Simple. For power.

As stupid as it sounds, she'll only be able to fully have the position her dad has when she marries this guy. Vanguardia and Robles, two powerful families. It will only gain them everything more. It will give her everything she needs.

She's bound to this and she'll have it, even when she does not have feelings for him.

who cares about love anyways?

"I'm just kidding Brian, sure, let's have dinner and do that." she smiles with a nod.

Brian showed her his million dollar smile, the kind where girls fall for.

Too bad she isn't one of those.


She took in the scenery of the entire restaurant. Nothing changed. Every week, they literally come here for one of their dinner dates.

She waits for Brian to pull the chair for her, something along the lines of being a real gentleman.

But what is he doing anyways? hmm, right, he's already on his seat, looking at the menu.

She shook her head, such a disappointment. she thinks as she puts her things on top of the table.

guess I'll be a gentlewoman to myself, like I always do.

However, as she was about to pull the chair for her to take her seat, somebody already did it for her.

"good evening, ma'am." a voice of a girl says behind her.

She turned to look at the person, she feels her world paused for a scecond.

The girl smiles at her, the kind that makes her fall.

who is she?

She's never seen this girl even with her usual visits here with Brian.

she's new.

"good evening, thank you." she says, returning a genuine smile as she sat on her seat.

"no problem ma'am." the girl replies before standing beside her.

Taking a pen and a notepad, the girl smiles once again at her and asked for her order.

She eyed the girl, observing her entire form.

DarLentina One Shots (Reginarda)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora