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VALAENA RELEASED A loud giggle as she weaved through the crowded streets of Flea Bottom. In her small, chubby hands revealed the fistful of candies stolen from the old man that was always yelling at the children who played nearby. The young child grinned at the shouts from around the corner, glancing over her shoulder in triumph as she realized how far behind they were. 

A squeal of surprise escaped Valaena's lips as she collided with a firm body, twisting her head up to find a unfamiliar, hooded man staring down at her as if surprised by her presence. It took a second for Valaena to realize he was staring intently into her eyes as she casted them to the ground quickly in hopes he hadn't seen the violet specks in her otherwise unordinary eyes. The man glanced from the stolen candies in her hands before his eyes flickered down the alley, where the soldiers were surely catching up the young thief. Valaena felt her cheeks redden as the man focused back on her, his lips quirking slightly upwards in a hidden smile.

"Careful, now," he warned as he stepped to the side, giving her the perfect opportunity to escape. 

Valaena took a second to narrow her eyes at the man, suspicious of his gestures as she took a step forward. When it was clear he wasn't going to stop her, Valaena took off as she tried to put as much distance between her and the soldiers as she could. Taking a sharp left, she ducked her head under the garments hanging out to dry as she followed the shortcut to Flea Bottom.

It wasn't long until she came upon the familiar streets of Flea Bottom, her nose scrunching up at the horrid smell that filled the air. Valaena ignored the beggars and thugs that roamed the street as she reached the back door of her final destination, throwing one more wary glance over her shoulder before slipping inside. 

Valaena allowed her shoulders to sag as she finally allowed herself to relax, throwing a candy into her mouth and enjoying the sweetness that graced her senses. Slipping off her clock, she quietly made her way to the door underneath the stairs where she opened it to reveal the small mattress covered in blankets and books. 

Ignoring the loud moans and cries from the floor above, Valaena closed the door behind her to at least muffle some of the noises. She threw the candies on the edge of the mattress before throwing herself down beside it, frowning at the hard surface that greeted her. It was better than she was used to, Valaena had to remind herself as she shuddered at the memory of sleeping on the wooden floor just three months prior.

Valaena reached for another candy, stopping only when she heard the familiar voice of her aunt. Something was wrong, Valaena knew as a frown formed on her face as she listened to her aunt arguing with another. Arguments weren't uncommon at the brothel, often resulting when customers didn't have enough to pay, but this one was different. 

Feet stomped on the stairs above Valaena's living quarters, the arguing voices growing louder until they appeared to be occurring right outside. Curiosity swallowed the girl who as she shuffled over to the door, placing her ear against the door to hear the argument better. 

"I've no idea what you're talking about," Meera snapped at whoever she spoke to. Her voice was filled with rage but Valaena could sense the fear behind her words. "There are no children here."

Valaena scrunched her face together in confusion. No one had ever asked about her before, she had been careful to never be seen entering and leaving the brothel. Meera had always been clear about the consequences of being caught and it was enough to keep to troublesome girl in line just enough to keep under the radar.

There were a few more angry whispers, so quiet that even Valaena couldn't hear as she pushed her ear harder against the door to no avail. There was a brief silence, making Valaena assume the two had left when she felt herself falling through the air until she hit the hard ground, the support of the door disappearing to reveal two pairs of eyes looking down on her.

"This the so called child you don't have?" The man smirked as Valaena stumbled onto her feet, brushing the dust off her pants. Glancing up, she locked eyes with the stranger and tried to hide her surprise when she found the same cloaked man from before.

"What does it matter?" Meera's voice shook as she placed herself between the mysterious stranger and Valaena. Valaena tried peeking her head around to get a better look at the man, but was met with Meera's arms pushing her back behind her figure.

"She looks just like her mother" Daemon commented as Meera stiffened at his words, knowing what was coming next. "Who's the father?"

"What does it concern you?" Meera snapped back as she struggled to uphold her composure. "Her father is no longer in the picture. Now if that's all-"

"Is she mine?" his words stopped Meera in her tracks as her eyes widened in surprise, and perhaps a hint of horror.

"Don't be ridiculous, Daemon" Meera scoffed at the question like it was the silliest thing in the world as Valaena tried peeking out again, this time successfully as she stared at the hooded man who went by the name Daemon. He was tall, hovering over Meera's small frame like a giant. His hood was pulled down, revealing his silver-blonde hair that could only belong to a Targaryen. His eyes snapped down to meet Valaena's, who held his stare until he finally looked away with a slight smirk on his face.

"I won't ask again," Daemon was done playing games as he pulled out his knife, holding it up to Meera's throat. "Is. She. Mine?"

A pause.

"Yes," Meera breathed out, prompting Daemon removed the knife from her throat. 

Valaena glanced between the two confused. She never thought about having a father before, Meera simply telling her he abandoned them years ago and Valaena had never asked questions since.

"Move," Daemon ordered, watching as Meera hesitated from removing herself from her protective position in front of Valaena.

"She's a bastard," Meera argued, still fruitlessly trying to save the girl from any life she would lead as a Targaryen.

"She's my first born child," Daemon corrected as he tilted his head the side, his final warning for Meera to step aside.

A few more seconds passed before Meera slowly stepped away, leaving Valaena open and vulnerable for Daemon to look over. Daemon took a step forward, pausing when Valaena shuffled backwards.

"What's your name, child?" Daemon asked as he knelt down to the ground as to reach the same height-level as her.

Valaena glanced to the side at Meera, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"Valaena," she answered slowly as she turned her attention back to Daemon, unsure how to feel about her supposed father.

"Your last name?" he questioned.

"I don't have a last name," Valaena answered honestly as she glanced at the floor ashamed.

"Well, Valaena," Daemon's voice pulled Valaena's eyes from the ground back to his face, where a small smile rested on his lips. "How would you like to be a Targaryen?"

Hence and therefore began the journey of Valaena Targaryen, the bastard and first-born child of Daemon Targaryen.

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