~Chapter Three: New Beginnings~

Start from the beginning

"Well Mazubato-San, can your father talk? I don't need to be rude- but you don't look like him at all. I'm just a little worried for your safety." The tall women replied, toutching her fingers to her lips in a worried manor, 'Huh? The little girl is hiding something underneath her hanori, it looks like one half of the hanori Tomioka-San wears!' Mitsuri thought.

"I-m afraid not, my father is deaf and blind, he doesn't mean to be rude! And I get my looks from my mother- who we're going back home to see now." Hanako stuttered, she felt her body temperature rise quickly, and she suddenly felt very warm.

"Oh, well that makes sense, I guess... I'm sorry for bothering you." Mitsuri bowed out of respect.

"It's no problem miss- safe travels to you..." Hanako swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, biting her tongue, just waiting for Mitsuri to walk away.

"Safe travels to you as well." Mitsuri walked slowly away, 'That was an awkward encounter, but that child was so adorable though!' She smiled to herself.

"Is she gone?" Giyuu asked in a quiet monotone tone, He couldn't really see as his bangs were covering his eyes.

"Yeah, she sat back down. How much longer until we arrive?" Hanako asked, slowing down her breathing.

Giyuu nodded, thank goodness Mitsuri went away. "I think only one more stop and then we'll be at the station we'll need to get off at. Unless you want to get off a stop early and go to the house from there." He proposed,

"Yes, let's do that. I don't wanna have another awkward meeting like that with anybody else." The young girl agreed.

The next half an hour was a bit awkward to say the least, Giyuu knew Mitsuri was still keeping an eye on them. 'She's gonna tell Kocho. Great, we just had to run into the biggest blabber mouth of the bunch.' He sighed, 'No. Stop it Giyu, don't talk bad about your co-workers.'

"Time to get off..." he was trying to remember the fake name Hanako gave herself. "Hanaki" he said slowly.

"Yes- father." Hanako played along, it felt weird that she was calling someone who wasn't her father, well. Her father. It was real awkward to think or talk about.

But anyways, she grabbed his hand and walked off of the train with Giyuu. "Are you ok kid?" He asked.

She nodded, "I'm sorry Mr. It felt weird to call you my father. I guess I'm not use to it." She admitted. "Can we please head off the the house now?"

"Get on my back and I'll take us there."

"Are you sure you won't get tired Mr? I think I'm too heavy for you to lift up-" Hanako was interrupted by being picked up into a piggy back, 'This is really weird' she thought as Giyuu started running.

'Woah! He's really fast! This is soo cool! He reminds me of Tanjiro!' Hanako smiled at the memory of her big brother. 'I wonder where he is right now'

After around 25 minutes of running, they made it into the town by the butterfly mansion. It wasn't filled with people as it was just a regular Wednesday afternoon, but there were some people scattered about. There were smells of freshly baked goods which made Hanako's stomach growl. "Excuse me" she said embarrassed.

Giyuu nodded "We could stop if you want. Maybe we could get you some lunch." He suggested.

"N-no. It's ok, I'm fine with having a late lunch." She admitted.

He nodded in response "Ok." He said blankly. He didn't notice that he nearly ran into the friendly neighbourhood butterfly and the two little caterpillars.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The one with the blue butterfly clips called out, as the other girl was with a pink butterfly clip remained silent while holding the lady with a purple butterfly clips hand.

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