"You shouldn't have to deal with all of this," Draco said sadly.

"Neither should you," Claire told him.

"I can handle it."

"So can I."

Draco just smirked at her and then shuffled around a little.

"Are you hurting?" Claire asked him.

"A little," Draco admitted. "I'm fine though. Don't worry about me."

"I'm going to worry," Claire said with an eye roll. She looked at the variety of potions and handed one to Draco.

"I don't need a babysitter," Draco complained but he took the potion anyways.

"It's either us or Madam Pomfrey," Daphne told him. They both jumped because they didn't realize how long it had been. Daphne yawned and pulled her nightgown tighter as she sat opposite Claire with a heavy sigh.

"Goodnight Draco," Claire whispered, leaning over and placing a lasting kiss on his cheek.


"But what if we pay you?"

"I don't need money," Claire told the twins as they followed behind her.

"We need your help for this prank," Fred complained.

"In case you didn't notice, Professor Umbridge just declared herself the High Inquisitor. I have to lay low," Claire told them. The girl had woken up to see that the horrid woman had gotten even more power by making up a new position. On top of that, she was examining all the other professors.

"We already have detention," George reminded her. Claire sighed and stepped into an empty hallway, the two boys following her.

"I'm sure you guys know that I'm not exactly normal. I can't let Professor Umbridge have a reason to get me in trouble," Claire sighed sadly.

"What if you wont get in trouble?" Fred asked.

"You said that last time," Claire snorted.

"Hermione won't let us sell our products and now you won't help," George complained.

"I'm a prefect, too," Claire reminded them.

"But not a real one," Fred told her. Claire rolled her eyes and shoved past the boys. She had too much on her mind to worry about their pranks.

First, Draco wasn't yet fully recovered after almost a month, and she was worried about that. Her worry made her have some brain fog that made her grades drop and Professor Snape had to warn her that she might have her badge taken away if she wasn't careful. On top of that, Harry had gotten to talk with Sirius, and she was a little jealous that she hadn't gotten to talk as well. Although, the conversation wasn't exactly happy and Professor Umbridge seemed to know about it, so it's probably best that she wasn't there.

"I have to get to class," Claire interrupted when they continued to try and convince her. "But I can convince Draco not to go to the Ravenclaw corridor at that time and if no one is there then no one will know who did what."

"You're the best!" Fred gasped, ruffling her hair as he passed. Claire frowned and tried to fix her hair as she got in line for potions.

"Man, I'm not at all straight, but I might be for George," Daphne said, biting her lip as she watched the twins walk away.

"I hate you," Claire said seriously. Daphne just winked and then laughed. The Slytherins all simultaneously either cursed or groaned when they saw that Umbridge was observing the class. Professor Snape didn't seem too happy either.

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