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"BYE N/N! SEE YOU TOMMOROW!" Her coworker yelled, making her chuckle and wave as a response, she continued walking as she listened to music, having already bought groceries yesterday, she passed the supermarket, she doesn't have a pet, she passed the pet store, she doesn't have and need a car, she passed the car store (or something along the lines), she doesn't need games any more games, she already had a game shopping spree last week, so she passed the game sto-

"Wait a damn minute.." She said silently to no one but herself, as she froze in disbelief. "One Punch Man, The SEQUEL?!" In a matter of seconds she ran into the store and bought the last copy.

"Sir! I would like to purchase this please." She said, anxiety behind her back hoping the game wouldn't be so expensive, the worker there stared at the copy as he looked under the shelf, she visibly flinched when she saw him pull up more stuff. "The game also comes with these." He monotonely said, the H/C girl gulped. "That would be 5 bucks."

Your jaw dropped at what he just said. "P-pardon..? Can you please repeat that..?" You did not hear 5 bu- "5 bucks"
What the shit.

You paid for it and sighed as you walked home, both excited and still shook at the price. Whatever, anyways, the game isn't actually a sequel, but a continueation of the first one, which doesn't really matter. What mattered is that this lil' shit came out YEARS  ago. Like after the interactive and first game. Which was weird. Why wasn't it hyped up? No reviews or even videos show casing this game.. sure, it was definitely a hybrid of the last two games, but still.. it was as if.. the game was for her specifically..  Y/N scoffed at the thought. Wanting to laugh at her stupidity. No way. No way in bloody hell is it specifically made for her.

She sat down in her room as she waits for it to load, the loading screen was the first scene of the first game, this time beautifully rendered and was even more detailed, you smiled in nostalgia, remembering the times where you would shit talk certain ugly monsters as you played along the main characters, Saitama and Genos. They all shared one thing in common, you can customize your character and make your very own lore, you remembered how ugly and stupid your character lore was, some weird ass hybrid that was transferred to earth due to being OP. Also, I'm not kidding when I say, OP. You managed to find ways to absolutely destroy the game physics, stupid glitches always ruined your second run but you didn't mind, honestly it made your run faster, sometimes you would clip through the walls and get teleported into a different stage. Or you would break an npc's attack and destroy it just by clipping through it, you were given the nickname "Hecker" (typo intended) or "Glitch". There was also a different nickname usually called on you but you actually forgot.. oh well, you probably would remember it later. There was also an interactive story, basically a vr game where you could talk with all the characters and just, be there. And yes, you did break the game on accident from time to time.

"Yosh, remake of og avatar, done!" You yelled out in happiness, feeling proud of creating a remake and better version of your old avatar, it was you, but with cyborg star clippings on you side, epic demon horns and tail, sharp claws and markings on your face. Most definitely your old avatar, and you were happy. You adjusted it a bit more before finally getting ready to play the game, you wore the vr headset it included and clicked on play...

As a white flash engulfed your "vision"  you smiled excitedly, hopefully your skills haven't rusted...

[ End ]

[GLITCH] YANDERE!OPM x F!Reader {GAME AU}Where stories live. Discover now