Introduction to what this is

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Hello there, welcome to my Series 3 predictions of Bridgerton.

So, you may be wondering why I'm even writing this, and I'll tell you why: I'm fucking bored. Waiting on Bridgerton material is a long process, and I'm quite new to this series so I'm definitely still in the stage of just wanting material to watch all the time. Now, I'm gonna be honest with you, from what I've seen of the show, I don't ship Colin and Penelope, sorry!

From having not read their book I can honestly say I'm not impressed with the relationship displayed onscreen, if anything it just makes me think Colin is an idiot (you will hear that expression a lot). With how Series 2 ended between them as well, like I'm sorry but I'm just not shipping them, when he helped Penelope and then danced with her I thought 'Okay I'll give them a chance, maybe Colin will stop acting like a child now', nope, the very next scene with him is him practically dissing Penelope, so nope he's gonna need a big ol' redemption in Series 3 if you want me to like him.

With that being said, I'm gonna be writing this, just imagining how the show would write it, I'm trying to make it fit within the show's context and what we've heard of it so far, therefore this may not match their storyline in the book (which yes I know is a time-jump) or will be terribly written, but at the end of the day who cares? This isn't for the show, this is for somewhere to say what I would like or expect to happen within the show, if you don't like it, I don't care, it's not a fanfic, it's not the entire script of Series 3, it's little snippets of what I suspect could happen within the series.

Now, as for other stuff, if I haven't made it clear this is based off the show, off the top of my head this will not need TW's, but I WILL place them if I feel there is a necessity, as of now, I can give you a smut-warning, one piece which I already have written up is pretty much classed as smut, so if you're not here for that then you are free to skip that chapter when it is released, I will let you know when that is. Sufficed to say, the smut is nowhere near Julia Quinn-level, I do not write like that, especially for these two.

That'll do for an introduction, look out, there will be an insert at some point, see you then 

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