There was another long moment of silence. Rose watched him closely, wondering what he would do next. She didn't dare try to sway him in this moment; she knew how volatile and unpredictable he could be.

The Huntsman drew himself up suddenly, half turning with the motion to be seen by the others across the street, and firmly tapped the end of his weapon on the ground. "You are expelled from the Huntsclan," he declared loudly, so the entire squad could hear. "You are hereby stripped of your title of Huntsgirl, and all the rights and privileges and traditions that come with it. From this day forth, you are nothing more than a civilian."

Rose blinked in surprise, then, realizing what this meant, she decided to press her luck just a little. "And..." she ventured, keeping her voice low so only he could hear. "Will you promise to no longer hunt the American Dragon?"

The Huntsman raised his eyebrows, surprised by her audacity, but Rose stood her ground and did not take it back. Jake had always fought for her. How could she do anything less for him?

The Huntsman clenched his hand around his staff in a tight grip, and leaned forward menacingly. "Do not test the limits of my compassion," he warned her in a whisper. "You will find it doesn't stretch as far as you might hope."

Rose held his gaze unwaveringly, until the silence was broken by a young Huntsboy clearing his throat.

"Uh, Huntsmaster?" The boy stepped forward. "What does that mean, that she's just a civilian now? Are we supposed to ignore the fact that she's working with the American Dragon?"

The Huntsman stood up straight and strode back to his waiting squadron across the street. "Should she choose to make herself an enemy of the Huntsclan," he said, "then we will treat her as such. In all other ways, it will be as though she was never one of us." He clasped his hands behind his back and made his way down the line, stopping in front of one distinctive-looking Huntsboy with a ripped sleeve. "Is that understood.....Rebik?"

The insolent youth glared across the street at Rose, then flicked his gaze up to his master's waiting stare. "You've made yourself perfectly clear."

"Excellent," the Huntsman nodded. "Huntsclan! Move out!"

And just like that, the entire squad dispersed, and the street was silent. Rose stared after them in shock, then she turned and walked slowly back into the shop. The others were gathered by the window, and judging by the looks of utter bafflement on their faces, it was clear they had heard the whole exchange.

"Rose, what just happened?" Jake asked. "Why did he—what does that mean?"

"It means the Huntsclan won't come after me, or my family." Rose said. " means I'm free."

"What about that whole speech he just gave?" Jake gestured to the window.

"Grandstanding." Rose said. "He had to make it sound like a punishment, but really it was the best thing he could have done—short of actually, y'know, giving up hunting magical creatures, which he would never do."

"But he said you're still their enemy." Jake pointed out.

"I was already working against them." Rose said with a shrug. She put a hand on his shoulder. "Now I can fight them in the open, by your side."

"True..." Jake nodded thoughtfully.

"The Huntsclan takes pretty harsh measures against traitors," Rose explained. "By declaring that I was never one of them, he was making it clear that they won't try to harm me for betraying them."

"So you really are free," Spud said.

"Yeah," Rose said, eyes shining. "Finally. I'm free of this double life..."

"Free to live with your family?" Jake asked eagerly.

Rose grinned.

"Well what are we waitin' for?" Trixie said. "Let's go tell 'em!"

The four friends left the shop together, talking excitedly as they made their way through the streets of Manhattan, heading up to the East Village to tell the Rydells the good news.

"Anybody have any plans for the summer?" Rose asked as they walked.

"I'm gonna get Fu to teach me about potions!" Spud said.

"You were serious about that?" Trixie elbowed him.

Spud stumbled, caught himself, and adjusted his hat. "Yes," he said indignantly, walking backwards ahead of her. "What are you doing this summer?"

Trixie drew herself up proudly. "I'm takin' a first responder class."

"For real?" Jake looked at her over his shoulder.

"Yep," Trixie nodded. "It starts tomorrow."

"Is it for the whole summer?" Rose asked.

"No, it's just three weeks," Trixie said. "It's sort of a crash course, and we'll have a big test at the end of it."

"That's awesome," Spud said, clapping her shoulder with enthusiasm. "You're one step closer to becoming Dr. Trixie Carter."

"Mm, I do like the sound of that!" Trixie nodded emphatically.

"What about you, Rose?" Spud turned to the other girl. "You're finally free to do whatever you want. How are you gonna spend this summer?"

"I don't know," Rose said. She smiled and took Jake's hand. "But I know where to start. Right here, tonight, with all of you. And with my family."

The four of them continued down the street together, and Rose breathed in the night air, feeling finally, truly at peace for the first time in her life.

From now on, everything would be all right.

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