are you bored yet? -vincent

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I stared across the plate I rested on, my eyes (which I do not have, as a piece of broccoli) landing on her. She was the most magnificent piece of broccoli i've ever seen.

Her luscious green leaves, and her beautiful smooth stem. As if she saw my eyes staring at her, she turned her head towards me. I waved, (with the hands i do not have, because i am a piece of broccoli,) and she smiled.

Suddenly, the plate we sat on was lifted into the air, and I clutched the ground (with the arms I did not have.)

We were set down again, and I watched as a large four pronged metal object came down from the sky, skewering the guy next to me. He was lifted into the air and I craned my neck (That I don't have, incase you forgot.) to see him being placed into a large mouth. Not that I would know what a mouth is, since I don't have one.

The mouth chewed and swallowed, reaching down for another piece.

It began its course, and with fear, I saw that it was headed straight towards her.

I gasped, and shut my eyes tight, willing with all my might that I would suddenly have a stroke of luck and roll into her path, sacrificing myself for her.

Luckily for me, my wish came true, and I rolled myself over next to her. The bad news being, the mouth didn't go for me instead, it just stabbed me with the object and grabbed onto her underneath me.

As we were lifted into the air, I hugged my arms tight around my body and prayed that it would be an easy death.

As I was set down onto the warm, wet cavern, I took a look at my surroundings, it being a light reddish-pink area with white boulders. Before I had any time to prepare, the boulders began to gnash together, crushing me and the most gorgeous, stunning, beautiful,- ah, sorry. Off topic.

We were being killed.

Torn apart, I found myself reaching out to grab anything I could to keep myself together. And I did, I clasped something in my sweaty palm. I held on tight, and it did too.

Finally, I felt myself slide down away from whatever that torture dungeon was, slipping down into a circular tube, in which I began to panic when it started to close, but I calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief when it opened back up and I fell down the tube again, still holding onto whatever had probably saved my life. (Not that I have one, I'm broccoli.)

I splashed into a cavern full of liquid, and after catching my bearings I slowly began to look around. Starting with, what I was holding. Which turned out to be an arm. And not just any arm.

Her arm.

in case you couldn't tell this was lesbanese btw.

'she' is zoey, and this chapter is in first person byw, the person being me, vincent.

the chapters will get longer as they go on, incase u were wondering.

anyways i dunno signing off, -vincent <33

love story in the bowels Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang