Arnav nodded once more. "I see.... So," he sighed lightly, "feeling hungry?"

Khushi glanced at the clock again. "Oh no, I'm good. I should honestly get going-"

"I insist."

Khushi pursed her lips slightly. She could see that he genuinely wanted her to stay, but Khushi didn't want to overdo it. After all, they weren't anything to each other and she didn't want to overstay her welcome. 

"Honestly, it's fine," she eventually said. "Plus my best friend is waiting for me," she quickly lied, "I was supposed to catch up with her earlier, but...."

"I see... well, the least that I can do is drop you off."

"Oh, there's no need to-"

"Really, it's not a problem," Arnav smiled softly. "Allow me to do the gentlemanly thing."

Flashes of the night before played before Khushi's eyes, reminding her of their moments in the park, as well as last night's and this morning's events. 

And he had said that he was going to be a gentleman and drop her off last night why?

Khushi let out a small sigh. "Sure," she smiled softly.

Arnav returned a small smile of his own. "I had your dress dry-cleaned, it's hanging in my closet."

Khushi nodded as she stood up. "Thanks."

"My pleasure," he smiled.

Khushi felt something bubble within her but she gave it no thought. Instead she held her hands behind her back and nodded as she backed out of the room and made her way back to his bedroom. As she did, she couldn't help but to glance at the doors she passed, wondering what was behind each of them.

Definitely a bunch of bedrooms but I mean this place is huge so.... And he's been sweaty in the mornings so there must be a gym somewhere- stop being nosy! 

Clearing her mind with a shake of her head, Khushi headed into Arnav's bedroom. She walked over to his walk-in closet and momentarily paused, taking it in. Sure, she'd seen it the last time she was here, but still, it was quite the sight. The dark slate walls of his bedroom carried in here, black open wardrobes covering over most of it. She could see the many white shirts Arnav owned, all crisp and clean, hanging on their hangers. Not only did the man own many white shirts, but many black pants, black suits, and black waistcoats as well. On one end of the closet were rows and rows of his shoes, many of them black leather. There were a few splatters of colors in his clothing but there was one thing Khushi could tell very clearly - everything was expensive. She couldn't help but to glance down at the t-shirt she was wearing and wondered if it was expensive as well.

Stop it, Khushi! 

She smacked her head lightly and went over to her dress, which was hanging in the corner, and she took it out of its plastic wrapping to put it on. Once she was changed, she put aside the t-shirt she was wearing on the large ottoman which sat in the middle of the room, checked herself over in the mirror, then went back into Arnav's room. She found him there, standing by the window, going through his phone.

He noticed her from the corner of his eyes and turned to her. "Ready," Arnav asked.

Khushi nodded, grabbing her phone and purse.

"Shall we," he gestured.

Khushi looked over his gray t-shirt, black sweatpants clad body. "You're not changing," she asked, realizing her words after they left her mouth.

Arnav glanced down at himself. "Should I," he asked, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

Khushi bit the inside of her lip. "No," she said lowly, shaking her head.

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