Sweeney-Friends and Foes

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"Ladies first." I gestured politely taking Mary Williams' hand. She is a beautiful lady with light caramel skin, is of Indian and Japanese descent, with long dark hair and brown eyes. She is Mei's godmother, while Joshua and I are her godfathers.

We both looked around the elegant ballroom and there were rich people staring at the white streak in my hair, but I let them talk. For sure, I would frighten them but I thought of sweet little Mei.

"How do you ignore the stares when they look at your white stripe?" Mary asked intrigued.

"I could be as quiet as a mouse, smooth and subtle, my dear." I explained softly.

Lord and Lady Hare
Fighting over there:
Darling, do beware
She's a bitch! A rich woman named Lady Beaconsfield gossiped.

Lady Aberdare's
Having an affair
With the butler there
Just her niche! A man named Lord Savage pointed out.

Fine party, divine party
A touch tarty- but stinkin' rich! The party guests chimed in.

I just shook my head because the rich are such pigs with no morals.

What a pretty smile
Mrs. Grenville-Heath!
Pity they are not all her teeth! Lady Beaconsfield judged.

Lord Devere as well
He's as queer as hell!
And bi-sexuelle!
Likes to switch! Lord Savage whispered, judging what Lord Devere was doing.

Dee-licious - and so vicious!
Our one wish is to
Bitch, bitch, bitch! The rich guests said snobbishly.

"Ooh, those stuck up, little snobs!" Mary snipped. "Just because they're rich, doesn't mean that they have to bitch about everything!"

"I know, dear. They've lost their sense of morale, that's what it is." I nodded, agreeing.

Lady Postlethwaite...A butler observed.

God, she's put on weight! Lady Beaconsfield rudely pointed out.

Gives you more to hate! Lord Savage complained.

Mean old bitch! Lady Beaconsfield spat in hate.

"Lady Leopold..." The butler gestured.

Looking really old! Lord Savage observed.

Poor Sir Leopold...Lady Beaconsfield observed, feeling sorry for him.

She's a witch! Lord Savage judged harshly.

Chic people, unique people
And freak people we quickly ditch! They all complained.

"Lady Delaware..." The butler presented.

Awful color hair!
That's her lover there-Lady Beaconsfield judged.

"Lord and Lady Biggs!" The butler announced.

What a pair of pigs!
Wear each other's wigs! Lord Savage pointed out.

Itch! Itch! Itch! Lord Savage and Lady Beaconsfield made fun of their disease of syphilis or head lice, which was very common in the Victorian Era.

June wedding
The bride dreading
The leg-spreading
While London's rich
Come here and
Bitch, bitch, bitch
Bitch, bitch, bitch! The rich guests complained.

"OH MY GOD, SHUT UP!" Mary was not having them whine and complain. I just shook my head and let Mary gobble them up for their behavior.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Joshua and his decoys...as well as Jamie (Jillian), the quints and Mei. Seems like they were invited to this engagement party by a certain Doctor named Henry Jekyll.

"OY THERE!!" I shouted, excited to see them.

"Sweeney!" I saw Mei burst out running from the group and towards me. I knelt at eye level to hug my little sweet.

"'Ello, dear!" I hugged her tightly and with love.

"Hey, man! What're you doing here?!" Stephen saw me, and we both hugged patting each other in the back.

"DAWG!!! Hey, what's up?!" David shouted gleefully as he hugged me.

"Same as you, mate!" I chuckled. Of course, the other three decoys saw me and hugged. And I was introduced to Doctor Henry Jekyll by Mei.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir." I shook the Doctor's hand firmly. "My name is Benjamin Barker."

"How do you do?" The Doctor smiled.

While Doctor Jekyll and Rani met up with some of his colleagues and not too far from Joshua, I was slowly dancing with Mei. I saw a lawyer that Jekyll was very close with. He was rugged, lean, cold but inviting. His name was Gabriel John Utterson. And I saw a beautiful young woman whom was slim, she wore a pink dress with white gloves, and she had red curly hair and pale skin. I was told that her name is Lisa Carew by the butler. And I saw another gentleman by the name of Simon Stride...seemed to me that Doctor Jekyll and 'im don't like each other for some reason.

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