"Time Baby," Bipper said, his voice strong and haughty and not at all afraid. "Long time no see! It took you a while to find us."

"I need none of your mocking words, Cipher," Time Baby said in a deep rumbling way, completely not matching his appearance. "You need to be brought down."

"Yeah, I don't think so," Bipper answered. He looked to either side of him, at each person. "You aren't touching my family. Not if I can help it."

"I would prefer if we did not fight-" Time Baby started, but Bipper's loud laugh cut him off.

"That's a lie. Just look at all the manpower you brought. Let's just get this over with already, so you can be on your merry little way," the demon child said.

The six of them raised their various weapons at the ready.

Time Baby sighed. "As you wish." He absently waved his chubby hand, and just like that the battle started.

In the blink of an eye, chaos spread through the cold yard. Shots were fired, the sounds of metal on metal filled the air, and the pained groans of fallen Minute Men sounding alongside it all.

Finn whirled his sword in a strange sort of muscle memory or maybe natural talent with the small amount of training he had. He slides as if he were a knight in a past life.

Finn fought alongside his friends. Often, he didn't know which one as he battled men twice his size.

The battalion thinned out from Morty's cold, ruthless shots, Wirt's gleaming ax and occasional creeping roots that would envelop a man whole, Bipper's blue flame magic, Mabel's crazed knife skills, and Frisk's practiced ones.

It truly, truly seemed as if they could win. They were strong and determined to fight for their home, for their family. There was a chance of victory, and they all knew it.

That was until Time Baby's voice boomed through the air. "Stop!"

Everyone froze and looked at the divine toddler. Finn's sword faltered for just a second where it was arching inches from a soldier's face when he saw Time Baby's hand.

Grasped in it, completely enraged and completely trapped, was Morty.


Bipper knew what was going to happen. He knew it from the very beginning of his plan.

He knew where to find Wirt and Finn. He knew they would come with him if he gave them the right incentive. He knew Morty would come investigate their shack. He knew to take Wirt outside that night so long ago to bait Frisk into their lives. He knew the town would repopulate. He knew Time Baby would come.

And he knew Morty had to die.

It was simple, really, Morty was a sacrifice for their plans. He was a bargaining chip in many ways. For Bipper, Time Baby could threaten his life for their obedience. For Time Baby, Bipper could let the infant kill Morty. His death would rock the Cidel for at least a little while, giving Time Baby a chance for power.

But looking at Morty, his best friend, trapped in the meaty hold of the toddler tyrant, Bipper realized all the things he didn't know.

He didn't know that Mabel was going to show up. He didn't know he would be fully Bipper, both Bill and Dipper. He didn't know the social worker would show up at their door and force them to go to school. He didn't know he would be Bill and Dipper apart again, even if only for a second. He didn't know Morty would get kidnapped by the Blind eye.

He didn't know that he would learn to love the family he unconsciously made. He didn't know he would care so much about his best friend – or he would make a friend in the first place – that he would regret his passing, his sacrifice.

Maybe that's why he did it.

"Stop! Stop you're firing, or I kill the boy," Time Baby predictively boomed.

Bipper looked from Morty struggling agrily in Time Baby's fist to everyone else. They were all terrified in one way or another. Terrified for Morty, terrified what it meant for them, terrified for what would happen next.

Bipper faced Time Baby again with a smile.

"Bipper-" Morty called, but he was cut off by a tightening of a fist, sending him into a choked coughing fit.

Bipper's smile faltered.

"Give me a good reason, or I will crush the human's life effortlessly," Time Baby commanded,

Bipper opened his mouth to bargain in his plan's favor, but nothing came out.

No, he thought, this is not good. I can't care. I can't doubt this. Not for a person, for a single person.

Maybe that's why he did it.

"Fine," Bipper called confidently despite inner turmoil. "I'll give you a reason."

Wirt, a few feet away, looked at him with a confused look: what are about to do?

"Don't kill him," Bipper said. He took a deep breath. "Don't kill Morty, and we will give you no problems. We will disappear off the radar forever. Just... let him go."

Time Baby studied the teen in confusion, rightfully so. "How do I know you will be true to your word?"

Bipper hesitated. This is the moment that would change everything. He could go back on his word, he could let it end here, he could fulfill his plan. Or he could do as he said, he could let Morty live, he could keep their family together.

"Let's make a deal then," Bipper said.

Time Baby nodded. "This will be sufficient. I will leave you and your allies alone if you cause no more chaos and bloodshed."

Bipper nodded back numbly, holding out his hand, more for show, because all Time Baby did was nod, drop Morty, and call out, "So it is set."

In a flash of light, the toddler and all his men were gone. No proof of the fight was left behind, except six frightened, out of breath children.

"Is that it? Did we win?" Finn asked.

Bipper looked at him then to everyone else. "In all the ways that count, yes."

His gaze fell onto Morty as the others turned to go inside and celebrate one thing or another. Bipper walked up to him.

"Bipper," Morty said sternly and evenly. Despite the fact that he could have and should have just died, he was eerily calm, albeit noticeably pale. His expression softened, "Thank you."

Bipper blinked. "What?" he asked. "Why? I put you into that situation! I knew that was going to happen; I knew you were going to die, and yet I let us all run into the battlefield, blissfully ignorant. I'm sorry that I would have let it happen. I just realized that I don't think power would have been worth it if you weren't there to witness it. I-"

Bipper was cut off with arms being thrown around him.

Morty was...hugging him?

"Shut up. You talk too much," Morty said into his shoulder. "Just take the thanks."

"I-" Bipper scoffed. "I hate you."

Morty pulled away just enough to look at Bipper. "We both know that isn't true. You just saved me. You'd have to have some sort of love in your heart to do that."

Bipper smiled. "Yeah, I'd say I have a little bit. Deep, deep down."

Next thing he knew, Morty was leaning forwards, and so was Bipper. Next thing he knew, they were kissing.

And what a strange feeling it was.


As I was telling myself when I wrote the end: "No regrets."

I hope you liked this chapter, have a good day, and adieu!

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