Mon Ange Notes 1

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Going to take old copy of this story I wrote down and turn it into a better, longer story, the basics is that Angel and Al get drunk at a party a somehow make a child. Idk RLY how, but I'll figure it out later.

I want some dark scenes, I don't want the basic plot in the original story, where Valentino basically kidnaps Angel when he hears that he's pregnant and locks him in a cold dark celler, although I do want the cold dark celler to come up later in the book.

I want more backstory into Valentino and Angels relationship, I want the reader's to really have an idea on what sort of relationship they have and what led up to whatever Valentino's planning to do (not sure yet.
For the first chapter, because I don't have much time, (it's new years eve btw!) I'm keeping it simple. Basically the same as the original chapter. They are partying, Al is way to drunk, Angel takes him out of the party, they talk for a while, Al gets more drunk, Angel tries to take him to his room but Alastor has other plans before he leaves.

(Hellooo everyone, since I'm not posting often, and I know you all need content! I decided to post my notes and idea for my stories, never intended on posting them. But you all need content! And maybe some sneekpeeks on parts of the story I either never wrote or AMD going to possibly right in the future. Enjoy these little bits and fractions of my stories.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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