She looked ravishing, but every creature of the devil could, after all, the devil himself was a fallen angel, of course evil things could be naturally beautiful, that included Autumn Carrow.

"Do you truly see me George Weasley?" She began to speak as she walked around his tall frame, making her way to the table nearest the large windows.

George's brows creased, perplexed by her words, unsure why she was asking and what for.

Everything was a game and he knew it.

He found himself sitting directly across from her, laying his hands flat on the table, watching her eyes flicker over them shamelessly. George enjoyed riddles, when he was the riddler.

"I do truly see you" he confirmed, watching the smirk grow upon her face as he answered, "I see that you are an immoral, malicious, and sinful Carrow with a vicious tongue" his voice seemed to be monotone as he talked, a contradiction to his words which seemed to be full of emotion.

George watched as Autumns face fell ever so slightly, just for a moment before the smirk found her once again, he could've sworn, in that second he felt a twinge of guilt in his chest.

"That is how you see me?" She asked, very calmly, opening the large green and silver book in front of her, he watched intently as the silver metal binding on the front moved, unlocking as she whispered quietly.


George had heard from Harry about understanding snakes and what not but he'd never heard it himself, so to be entirely honest she could simply be whispering a secret phrase to allow someone access.

"Yes" he figured a short response would be sweeter, rather than arguing to prove his point.

"Very well" she spoke turning the book to chapter 13. He watched as she reached into a bag she had carried along with her, pulling out a sheet of parchment, laying it out on the table before him, "I made you a copy of my notes" he looked down to see it was exactly what she'd written in class earlier on that day, she had rewritten them for him, his guilt was no longer simply a twinge, "perhaps you should be wary of them" she met his eyes once again.

George rolled up the parchment holding it tight in his hand.

"Why would I be wary of notes?"

Autumn stood from her seat, George following suit shortly after, "I am an immoral, malicious and sinful Carrow am I not?" She closed her book after slipping a piece of parchment in her page, "you should not trust anything I do" she gave him what seemed to be a daring look.

Daring him to agree.

Or disagree perhaps.

"Tell me George" she walked toward the library doors slowly, aware of his presence following behind, "was I immoral when I saved your sister from that creep?"

She was using his sisters misfortune against him.

George Weasley had told himself he wouldn't allow her to get to him, although he couldn't help it. She frustrated him in every way imaginable.

Before he could calm himself down he found himself stood firmly in front of her stopping her in her tracks.

"You want me to believe that was sincere?" He let out a hollow and spiteful laugh, "nothing you do is sincere"

Cherry Red - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now