A/N please read before reading

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Hello Everyone am the Author of this book i would like to go over some things and make a small introduction before releasing chapters

First things First Introducing myself

Nicknames i can be called: Rubi,Ru, Lady Author or just plain Author
Birthday:May 11
Pronouns:She/her mainly i won't mind They/them
Likes:Games,food, sleep ect(might add more later on)
Dislikes: Homophobic people, Making fun of someone's pronouns or sexuality (don't go around bullying people are allowed to love who they love please be nice to each other don't make the mistakes other people make) i have more but I'll add another time
Small intro: Hello! I'm Rubia am currently a college student so updates will be slow but promise to do my best to deliver
If you have any suggestions feel free to speak but if your gonna just be straight up negative then leave and mostly i nice person but believe me you try something funny i will not like i will not be nice about it Be nice and respectful to everyone if your gonna speak an opinion be respectful (of course if it involves a child or something in an inappropriate way(being rude and ect) then feel free to chew people out) Over all let's have fun! By the way am gonna make Y/N look basically like Signora except different eye color as we don't know how her Man's actually looked like lol

I think that's all for now I'll let y'all know if i edit something see Yea in the first chapter

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