CaveHuman themed

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How do you think cavemen? Cavewomen? Idfk anymore, too confusing.  Anyway how do you think they first had sex?  Like did a guy stick his dick in every whole in another persons body?? How did they know it was of pleasure and not bad? Like they just grunted back and forth and didn't start talking until about 5,000 BCE. Like could it be instinct? Or were they just dicking (im so funny, like my pun?) around, and like how did girl find pleasure ? There's my thought from doing World History homework and things to think of 😘🖕

go listen to: Car lights by James Marriot
that song is just 😍😍😍😍😍
idfc if i spelled his name wrong he's a funny dick person
my favorite discomfort streamer 🥰

omg long time no see for this chapter 👀 anyways how did the first cave women react to getting their period? like just one day BOOM peeing BLOOD.

before toilet paper do you think cave men walked around with crusty asses or do you think they were smart enough to use a leaf or their hand.

What did they first think when the first cave women was pregnant.

Did cave men people women things have parental instincts naturally, ir did they not know wtf it was so they left it.

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