Bad Beginnings (Rex, kinda Fives and Echo too)

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In this story, the character was part of the Coruscant guard, under Commander Fox. 

"Commander Fox, you wanted to see me, sir?" I said, standing at attention.

"Yes, I did," he said. "You've been part of the Coruscant Guard for quite some time now. You're being transferred to the 501st legion. They could use your skills."

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

"This is General Kenobi. He will take you to General Skywalker and the 501st."

"Yes, sir."

"What's your name," the general asked.

"My designation is CC-3497, sir."

"What would you like me to call you?"

"T-the men call me Shadow, sir."

"Well, Shadow, let's get going. I can imagine you're eager to get started," he started walking, and I followed. We went to a gunship, which took off as soon as we got on.

We soon arrived at hte base. General Skywalker greeted us.

"Hello, Master," he greeted us. 

"Hello, Anakin," General Kenobi said. "This is Shadow. She's here to become part of the 501st."

 a clone with a blue shoulder pad walked up to us, standing next to General Skywalker.

"Welcome, Shadow," he gestured to the clone next to him. "This is Captain Rex. He'll show you around."

"Thank you, sir," I followed the captain to what I assumed were the barracks.

"These are the barracks," he said. pointing to a bottom bunk in the corner, Rex said, "this one's yours."

"Thank you, captain."

"What's your name, rookie?" he asked.

"Shadow, sir," i paused. "With all due respect, sir, I am no rookie."

"Is that so?" he turned to look at me. 

"Yes sir," i said looking at his face with all confidence, before looking down in sudden non-confidence. "I was part of the Coruscant guard under commander Fox until i was transferred here."

"Well, we'll see how skilled you are once there's a battle to fight.

"Yes, sir," i kept my gaze downcast, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Rex, who's the newbie?" a friendly-sounding clones voice called out to us. We both looked in the direction of the voice, and saw two ARC troopers walking up to us. Rex and I gave each other a hard glare before breaking off eye contact.

"This is Shadow. She's joining the 501st."

"Welcome to the squad, Shadow," the second trooper said. "I'm Fives."

"And I'm Echo," the first trooper butted in.

"Well then, I'll leave her in your capable hands," Rex said, glaring at me before walking off.

I sighed, knowing full well that Rex was my superior and I was to respect him. 

"Something wrong between you and the captain, Shadow?" Echo asked.

I nodded. "I thing we got off on the wrong foot or something. He doesn't seem to like me much."

"Don't worry, Shadow," Fives said confidently. "He'll warm up to you. Eventually."

"Now, let's get this tour finished," Echo changed the subject, to my relief.

The two ARC troopers shoed me around, ending the tour at the mess hall. 

"And this is the mess hall," Fives said.

"Where we eat," Echo added, a silly grin on his face.

"I got that much, thanks, Echo," I said, giving him a friendly shove.

"Shadow, can i have a word with you?" the voice of General Skywalker called out from behind us.

"Of course, General," I followed him, leaving the ARC troopers to their shenanigans.

"I spoke with Commander Fox a little while ago," he said.

"Sir?" I questioned, dread filling my mind.

"He told me that with your skills, you wont be a trooper for long." 

"I don't understand, sir,"

He smiled gently. "Once Rex and I assess your skill, you may become an ARC trooper."

"Really, sir?" i questioned, doubting him, yet becoming excited all the same.

he chuckled. "Yes, Shadow,"

I then thought of the captain. "Not if captain Rex has any say in it."

"Has something happened between you two already?" he gave me a look of concern.

"Well, sir, I don't think he like me."

"Maybe he'll warm up to you once you've worked together."

"Yes, sir."

"If you'd like, I can have a word with Rex," General Skywalker offered.

"No, it's alright, sir," I replied, though seriously contemplating his offer. "I'll figure this out on my own."

"If you're sure," he said. "But if I see that the situation gets bad, I'm stepping in."

"I understand, sir."

footsteps sounded behind us. "General, you're needed in the war planning room," captain Rex said.

"I'm on my way," the general said, rushing off to the room, leaving Rex and I standing there.

This is probably a part one, I just don't know how to continue it yet. To be decided what the next story will be about. Send me requests, please!! 

Question of the day: Who is your favourite clone?

Mine is um... any of them... Rex, Fives, Echo, Kix, Hunter, Omega, Fox, Thorn, Cody and Wolffe are some of my favourites.

Until Next time!!!

Star Wars One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora