"What are the odds that the ancient ship, the Teludan, found its final resting place in the middle of such an anomaly, right next to a planet brimming with life." I hadn't told anyone about Dr. Thompson's discovery of our origin. While the rest were considering the idea a conspiracy theory, I was able to appreciate it more. Despite the opposition, Lan seemed determined to finish telling her idea. "I have been thinking since I heard that we cannot communicate. What if we brought the anomaly with us?"

"I don't believe I saw a subspace jammer on the cargo manifest" said Daniel jokingly.

"She's talking about the Teludan you idiot" Andrew said as he smacked the back of Daniel's head. "While I appreciate the thought that has gone into your idea, I can't say I find any proof. Researches have been probing around the Teludan since its discovery. Never once has it shown signs of activity or given off any kind of energy. I would imagine that blocking out a large section of subspace, if even possible, would require tremendous amounts of energy."

"How would you propose testing your theory?" I asked, cutting off any further criticism.

"The obvious answer is to leave the Teludan behind while we jump outside of its effective radius" she answered.

"You do realize that would delay our return home by half a day as well as leave the Teludan unprotected for the Zrynt to find."

"I never said you would like the idea, I just told you how I would test it" she replied defensively.

"While your idea does have some merit, I cannot delay our return longer than absolutely necessary" I said to the astonishment of some.

"Jack, surely you don't believe her crazy idea" Edgar said. "What she is suggesting is outside the realm of possibility."

I could see several nodding their heads in agreement. "Look around you" I ordered, letting all warmth leave my voice. "Two years ago somebody would have said what we are doing now is outside the realm of possibility. We stretch the very fabric of space every time we jump. We are in the largest warship ever created by man using schematics retrieved from an alien ship buried in the moon. We live in the realm of impossibility. Don't let preconceived notions of how you think reality works blind you from what is in front of your face. I'm not saying Lan's theory is right. All I am saying is that it merits further investigation." The room was silent as the vacuum surrounding the Unity.

"Well Jack" Andrew said breaking the silence, "you haven't steered us wrong yet."

"Thank you for your vote of confidence. If there are no other insights, then I would like to press on with our discussion." I paused for a moment before continuing. "Once we arrive I'm giving the crew some leave." This was a round cheering and applause. "Settle down. I'm going to have the construction crews go over our ships with a fine toothed comb. We've been patching damage after each battle, but I think it's important that we undergo a full inspection. Along with the repairs I'm making some enhancements to the ship. On top of all that, I'm ordering the construction of a new battleship to replace the phoenix." I knew this would be a tougher pill to swallow.

"I know the necessity of replacing lost comrades and destroyed ships, but it won't be the same" said Sofya. "We have been close as a group for a long time now. An outsider will find it hard to fit in I think."

"I know how you feel" I said sympathetically. "Tamal was a friend and a brother. I wouldn't dare think to replace him. Think of our new commander as a successor instead of a replacement. I'm counting on you all to train and nurture our new additions. Nobody is better qualified than you."

"Do you have anyone in mind?" Andrew asked.

"Not yet" I answered truthfully. "Everything has changed so much and there is so much to do that it is overwhelming. I'll have replacements selected and ready for training once you are done with your leave." We spent another hour discussing a variety of topics. I could tell by the end of the meeting everyone was mentally spent. I felt the jump drives engage as everyone filed out the door. It was looking like we would almost be home before the puzzle was solved.

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