"How many of them saw?" I asked. 

"Only four of them. You're lucky the party didn't start yet." He told me. "What happened between you and my brother? What did he do?"

I took a deep breath. "It's not Daniel's fault. I said I would do it but... I don't know." I paused. I felt the tears coming on again. "It didn't feel right. At all."

"So nothing happened...?"

I shook my head and started to sob again. "Please don't cry." Harry whispered as he cupped my face in his hands.

"Your friends are going to think I'm a whore." I sniffed.

"No they won't. I'm going to make sure this doesn't get out and you can trust me, it won't." He said. "Besides, nothing even happened. This isn't a big deal." He put his arm around me and circled the tip of my shoulder with his thumb. "But Helena..." He trailed off.


"Stop torturing yourself."

"What do you mean?"

We could hear loud, heavy electronic music playing from downstairs. I could almost feel the floor shaking. People have arrived.

"I mean... you don't love Daniel." He assumed.

"What? And how do you know what I feel about Daniel?" I jeered.

"You got over him kissing another girl so quickly." He let out a small laugh. "Stop pretending already."

 "Stop it, Harry. Stop confusing me." I looked away from him and slid my fingers through my hair, pulling slightly.

"And you let me kiss you."

 The door suddenly burst open and Daniel entered. He was fully clothed now and his eyes were red. He looked stressed.

"W-what are you two doing in here? Helena, I need to speak to you." He advanced towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Daniel, you should probably leave her alone right now." Harry intruded, standing up.

"No, Harry, it's fine. I'm fine." I sniffed and wiped my tears away.

"W-why are you wearing Harry's t-shirt?" Daniel asked, narrowing his eyebrows. 

"She left her shirt downstairs so I gave her mine. Problem?" Harry sputtered.

"I think if my girlfriend needs a t-shirt, I'll be the one giving it to her."

"Not if you're the one who took it off in the first place."

I felt the tension heat up in the room so I quickly intruded before anything bad happened. "Guys, I'm fine. Really. Daniel, I'm going to leave now. Can you send me to my car?"

Daniel and Harry exchanged fierce glares before turning to me. "Please stay for the party." Daniel pleaded, interlocking our hands. "I'm sorry... I would never hurt you, baby." He pecked me on the forehead.

Harry crossed his arms. Fire was present in his eyes.
If he was just playing around with me to get to Daniel, why was he getting so angry?

We all remained silent for a few moments. The blaring music from downstairs was the only thing that filled our ears until a dazed red-head pushed the door open and stumbled inside. Polly looked extremely intoxicated. And Daniel promised me that there would be no alcohol at the party. 

"Woah. I remember this room. We made out here... remember, Harry?" She laughed maniacally. "You're just the best kisser, babe." She fanned herself with her hand while the other held a plastic cup.

"Daniel, why did you invite her?" Harry stressed.

Daniel parted his lips to speak but stayed silent. "Because your brother's a nice person. Unlike you." Polly then turned to me and shot me a sinister grin.

I instantly knew she was going to blurt out things about Harry and I. I rushed to her and grabbed her arm. "Let's go, Polly." I said and quickly dragged her out of the room.

"What the hell?" She grumbled as I led her downstairs.

There was a sea of overly tipsy people dancing about. I could only recognize a few of them as my school mates. The others looked like college students. The whole house was a mess. Plastic cups were being thrown from place to place, cream cheese covered the floor and toilet paper was everywhere. It was a mad house.

I dragged her through the crowds of sweaty, disorientated people. By the time we reached the entrance door, I had three people slap me on the bum. The nature of the whole party was just revolting.

I only got a peace of mind when we were out of the house. "What's wrong with you, Helena? I wanna go back to the party!" Polly fussed, pulling her arm out of my grip.

"Wait." I paused. "I need to know something."

I decided to finally ask her if she was the one who sent those messages to my parents. She was in the perfect state to be questioned. You know, 'a drunk man never lies'.

"What? You stole someone's boyfriend again?" She scoffed.

"No. I didn't steal anyone's boyfriend. Harry and I are not together. Stop blaming me for your break up."

"Whatever." She hissed, crossing her arms.

"Look. Did you send those messages to my parents? The pictures and videos of Daniel going wild?"

She laughed. "He was quite wild then."

"So you are the sender! How could you do this to me, Polly?" 

"It wasn't my idea." She chuckled.

"Then whose idea was it?"

"The almighty Josh."

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