Young & Lesbian - S01E03

Start from the beginning

Elliot: Hahahahahahahahahha!!!!!

Josh: May I ask you on the terase.

Logan: Oh what's this?

Gabi: Oh you know how in Casco they have all those free samples.

Logan: I don't

Gabi: Well they do. And I call them stored thervs. If you take enough of them they make a full meal.

Yolanda: And yet when I take them they call security.

Gabi: Well, I thought that on honor of your thirty under thirty list I made thirty perfect samples of San Francisco cusine. Hahah, get it?

Logan: Hahah, yeah I went to Harvard.

Gabi: I have a sweatshirt from there.

Elliot: You're parents must be so proud.

Logan: So tell me how does a tall handsome man internet mobile great hair gonna start?

Josh: Oh, the way we all do. Get pushed into the locker by a football player.

Elliot: Hahahahhahah hahahah!!


next scene

Logan and Josh exit the balcony and walk towards the door 

Logan: Oh, dinner was super. That last spoon of salted caramel cream brulee was rich it should have a trophy wife.

Josh: Well sorry you've had to schedel and that I've said schedel.

Elliot: Why don't I walk you out?

Josh, Logan: Nice to meet you. [shake hands]

........Now Elliot and Logan are outside the apartment 

Elliot: So what do you think of my boy?

Logan: Look I don't post my list till Friday, but I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

Elliot: You wouldn't?

Logan: No, he's not on it.

Elliot: But. what', but you.. Why??

Logan: There's a lot of great candidates. This is San Francisco, you're not the only suck up publicist I'm dealing with.

Elliot: No, no, no. There's gotta be something I can do. Anything?

Logan: Nothing. I mean at least if you get me a date.

Elliot: Believe me no one knows the pain of not having Josh more than I do. But unfortunately he's engaged.

Logan: Not Josh.

Elliot: Oh, I'm flattered Logan but I'm not really into...

Logan: Not you. That cute little blonde.

Elliot: Oh Gabi? With the pots and pans.

Logan: And the cute dimples and cute legs. Any chance she's single and gay?

Elliot: Oh, she's definitely single. And now that I think about it she doesn't have a girlfriend.

Logan: You don't say?

Elliot: Oh I say. I say because it's true. You put Josh on your 30 under 30 list. And I'll put Gabi on your girl under girl list.

Logan: Deal.

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