How He Acts Around You/Feels

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•He tries to smile more to you than to every other taskforce member.

•He always tries to continue the conversation no matter what.

• He uses advanced vocabulary to seem cooler and professional, making you confused. In the end you just smile and nod because you just can't keep up.

•He stares into your eyes/soul when he speaks to you.

•He always makes excuses to speak to you. Once, he even said that he had made progress in the investigation, when in reality he made something up. He then told you that you were the first one to know because trusted you.

•He always includes you in any possible conversation he may have with anyone who speaks to him.

•He once got nervous when you wore a skirt that he started whispering to himself while blushing.. Thank god no one heard him..

•Everytime he sees you sitting in the office he wants to climb into your embrace and you to play with his messy hair.

•He would die for you to feed him cake.

•He would change his shrimp-like posture for you.

•He once bought other clothes that resembled your boyfriend's to see if you'd like him more. He wore them for 1 minute, looked at himself in the mirror and immediately took them off.

•When he's not working, he's either thinking about his life, or you.

•Sometimes he gets carried away and when working he thinks about you with a messy bun or in a cute hoodie.

•That man can draw. He had made countless portraits of you, but he threw them away because he didn't want to be suspicious. He also realized he was being a bit creepy and that it was wrong.

•He can't keep his eyes from looking anywhere else but you.

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