"Jump down into the tree!" He shouted up, loud enough to wake up an entire neighborhood.

For a second you got the chance to look up, just in time to watch the deformed demon rush down the stairs in an uncoordinated manner. As if it's limbs were snapping, breaking, tangling and then reattaching to its body with each movement.

You compared it to a spider in your head except with a demonized human face and four missing legs.

With a huff, Tengen jumped over the cement railing - free falling and causing you to scream as your stomach dropped. If it felt horrible to be tossed around on his shoulder before, falling was even worse.

His feet landed and knees bent under the force, though it was a lot more quietly than you had expected from the rather large man. Soon after the rest of the teams thumps could be heard as they landed beside you both.

"It's coming." Tomioka voiced out far too monotone for you to be comfortable, looking skyward at the demon that peeked over the edge of the wailing down at them before steadily crawling it's way down.

"We need to do something," Rengoku huffed. "we won't get far if we plan to run until sunrise."

"But we don't have anything to kill it with." Obanai groaned back.

Suddenly, a level above the horrifying creature, a peek of moment caught the eye of Muichiro, the youngest pillar pointing up. "Look."

The small movement showed a small strip of something rectangular and colored cream. Within a second it got pushed further outward until a particular mark caught your attention.

With your head turned in a weird angle and your neck aching from how far you had turned your head back to look, you gasped.

"Move back!" You shouted, slapping the back of Tengen as he jumped forwards under the thin tree. "Move back!"

Though hesitant, they did as told, the Hashira group watching as the demon reached down and placed its clawed hand down into the grassy ground, looking up and cackling loudly in a raspy tone. Ready to jump up and pounce, the monstrous creature got into a lower position, dry pulled lips further pulling into a sick evil grin.

Despite the confidence though, the moment it jumped up and reached forward to latch onto Tengen, the creamy leather couch from the floor above fell down perfectly and impacted the enemy with frightening speed and force. The exhilaration of the fall caused the couch to kill the demon upon impact, it's face squished flat onto the earth ground as it's mouth twitched with life but soon fell dead.

The group gasped, half in shock and half for air from the tense event. Slowly, Tomioka looked up to see their savior.

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke peeked their heads over the edge of the railing anxiously, though upon seeing them all look up, safe and sound, they cheered and laughed. Zenitsu made a small dance and Inosuke huffed with pride under his precious boar mask.

"We did it!" They cheered, over the moon at their small victory.

On the ground, the group looked around and shared relieved but anxious glances. The commotion definitely must have caught the attention of neighbors, judging by the opening doors and heads that looked out into their corridors.

"We should leave." Tengen announced, bending down and putting you down rather harshly, not bothering to help when you tripped up and nearly landed flat on your face.

Sanemi scoffed, grabbing the shoulder of the sound Hashira and pulling on him to force him to acknowledge him. "Before we do, tell me why you did all that to save them." He motioned to you. "We should've left them for dead."

The taller man stepped forward, blocking you from his view with his rather large body. "As much as I too hate what they've done, I can't help but have this gut feeling that they can help us a lot more than we believe. Perhaps they know more than they're letting on," he side eyed you dangerously and you couldn't help but gulp. "or maybe they just really don't know. But I know my gut feeling has been correct my entire life."

"Oh yeah? Your gut feeling is telling you to protect a sadistic murderer?!"

You shrunk. Despite believing your self insecurities were gone when you graduated high school and escaped your bullies, they seemed to resurface with the sharp tongue of Sanemi Shinazugawa.

The sound pillar opted to say nothing, only looking down at his fellow pillar with a hardened stare. Soon, Sanemi groaned, throwing his hands in the air.

"If they fuck us up though..." he warned with a sadistic grin, stepping to the side to look you in the eye. "I'll make sure you're killed properly."

"Enough with the threats. Our real issue right now is finding out what we're gonna do now." Shinobu sighed, watching more people leave their apartments to see what the commotion is all about. "I think we caught too much attention here, it's not safe for us nor for the civilians."

Mitsuri nodded rapidly. "Yeah! Is there anywhere else we can go?"

A jab on your side brought your attention back to Tengen who nodded at you. "Well? Your move."

They wanted you to find another place? How could they think you had another place when you lived in a trash apartment like that? "Me?"

"Who else." Sanemi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, watching Tanjiro re-emerge from the apartments with his small group. "None of us come from here. Obviously we don't have a place."

"I don't have any other place." You frowned.

"Then find one, make one, ask for one. I don't care, just find us a place!" He barked.

It was headache inducing how much you had to put up with when this group was around. But yet, despite better judgement, you begrudgingly brought hand into your pocket and brought out you indestructible burner phone. (Not a scratch on it despite all the times you've been kicked, punched, thrown and tossed around) You tapped through the contact book slowly, looking through each name before stopping on one.

With a deep breath you pressed 'call' and brought the device to your ear.

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