"Yeah, I'm good Bee. Had our own little issue with that redhead but Edward killed her", Seth replied.

Beastie sighed, " Finally...wait, what about Riley?", she questioned.

Seth sighed, "He's dead too, Bee. We're on our way down", he says before their minds quieted.

Beastie trudged up beside Emmett checking him over for any injuries,
"I'm good squirt...you were badass back there", he said to which Beastie gave a wolf grin.
She went back behind the rock to shift back, putting on her undergarments along with her sweatpants and Paul's hoodie. She walked out pulling on Jared's fur who huffed at her with a wolf pout. She looked over at Rosie who approached slowly being careful of the wolves. She had been smiling at Beastie like she won the lottery or something,

"I knew you were special the day I met you", she says to Beastie who blushed as she hugged her tight but not too tight,
"Thank you, Rosie", she mumbled.

Beastie looked back at the Cullens who nodded in respect to her,
"Thank you", Carlisle says. She smiled softly as the Cullens piled the bodies all together before torching them.

A massive fire burns as the Cullens and the wolves gathered whatever remained. Beastie looked over to see Edward approaching,
"How long?", he asked.

Alice looked beside her,
"A few minutes, maybe ten", she says.

"The pack needs to leave, the Volturi won't honor our truce with the werewolves", Carlisle speaks up.

Beastie walked up to Leah scratching her before seeing Jacob run out to the clearing,
"Jake", she happily says in relief but frowns when she feels that all too familiar feeling down in the pit of her stomach, she had seen this happening before any of them could. She slowly turns to see the male newborn from her dreams charge at her, she didn't have time to shift before she was shoved back harshly into the boulder.
Leah growled charging at the vampire,
"Leah, don't", Edward shouts.
Before Jacob could do anything, a massive wolf tackled the newborn off of Leah. They rolled around into the clearing- -instant pain was all Beastie felt before her body dropped to the ground, shifting back to her human form.


The newborn vampire went to attack but Jacob bites into the neck of the vampire, it got out of his hold and onto Jacob's back. The newborn wrapped its arms around Jacob and crushed his ribs,


The others are instantly there and pounce on the newborn and shredded him to pieces.
Jacob's wolf form phased back to his human form.

"BEE", Paul shouted running to her side along with Sam. He turned her gently seeing blood seep from a wound near her ribcage,
"Oh God...Sam", Paul yells in despair.
Blood spilled past her lips and he gently wipes it,
"You're okay...you're okay", he whispered.

Carlisle was at their side,
"he must have forced his hand through her side while in wolf form", he says.

"What do we do?", Sam asked gazing at his daughter to see her skin turning pale.
Carlisle sadly looks at Sam,
"Take her somewhere I have access to", he says as Beastie coughed in pain.

"we'll take them to Billy's", Sam says as Paul lifts Beastie before running off to Billy Black's place.

Jacob cried out in pain, "Where's Beastie?", he coughed.

Unstable Love/ Twilight- Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now