| Chapter Twenty | Marriage

Start from the beginning

As the ceremony began, the sound of drums filled the area, starting slowly and sped up. The priest before us held up the onusa, then shook it in front of us.

The priest spoke to Kagutsuchi, informing him of our intention, and asked for his blessing.

Three cups were presented before us, and the smallest cup was filled with sake and given to me. I took three sips of it and it was refilled and passed to Rika. She took three sips as well. The next cup then offered to Rika this time, and we repeated what we had done with the last cup. When the third and largest cup was filled, I drank first, and then Rika. While I did these tasks, I silently swore myself to Rika.

The priest passed me a branch and took it in my hand. I bowed and held it as I prayed for a wonderful future for Rika and I. Then I placed the branch at the altar, root first, for Kagatsuchi. Rika did the same, though I wasn't sure what her prayer was.

We bowed, then clapped and bowed again. They then poured sake for each of us, including Uzui and Tomioka. And with that, they concluded our ceremony. Rika was now my wife.

We went home and changed our kimono before everybody came over, and Uzui's wives helped me into mine, because I wasn't accustomed to kimono and obi tying. I changed styles and went a little more western, and put on boots that came up my leg below my knee, over a pair of pants. They pinned the bottom of my kimono to my waist to show off my boots.

We hosted a meal at our house after. Tomioka came, and I welcomed the other Hashira. Kocho and Himejima came, and this would be Rika's first time meeting our Stone Hashira. Kanroji answered the invitation and arrived carrying a gift for Rika. Our house became filled with excitement at our marriage.

"Rengoku! You look so handsome in your kimono!" Kanroji said.

I smiled. "Thank you. Rika chose the kimono a few months ago."

"Congratulations on your marriage, Rengoku."

"Thank you, Himejima." I smiled.

I found Rika staring at Himejima. My smile grew as I walked over.

"He's tall!" She said in astonishment. "He's like a mountain."

"He's our Stone Hashira. Himejima." I said.

"So many Hashira here..." She said.

Senjuro found me and ran to me with a hug. "Congratulations, brother! I'm happy that you have found love."

I returned the hug. "Thank you Senjuro. You will one day too. I'll be at your wedding to wish you good fortune."

He pulled back from the hug and smiled up at me.

"I made all sorts of food. I was busy cooking all day. I hope you like it!"

"We love it, Senjuro, thank you so much for taking the time to do this." Rika said, pulling him in for a hug."

"Welcome to the family, Rika." He said. "I already considered you part of the family before your wedding. It's just more official now."

"LET'S EAT!" I shouted.

I moved to the table, then grabbed a plate and chopsticks. I picked up some beef slices that Senjuro cooked. And put it in my mouth. It was flavourful and...

"TASTY!" I shouted.

The others laughed and approached the table, gathering their plates and chopsticks, too. We all ate our meals and had conversations, celebrating the marriage.

After it had all dissipated, everybody went on their ways and it was soon Uzui, his wives and Senjuro left, and they were cleaning up the plates. Rika and I both helped, and we finished a lot faster.

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