Chapter 15- Court is Now in Session

Start from the beginning

"And are you aware of how Captain Nash has been treating his team?"

"I am now, but I wasn't a month ago. I had a suspicion when he started acting weird before Firefighter Buckley had come asking for his help to be reinstated during a dinner I hosted."

"And what happened at that dinner?"

"It went smoothly, at first. Then, Firefighter Buckley had asked Captain Nash to talk to the department to get him reinstated as we had believed it was the department who had kept Firefighter Buckley out even with the paperwork he had signed. Captain Nash had told Firefighter Buckley that it was him who had told the department that he wasn't ready because of the blood thinners. Captain Nash lied to all of us about who was keeping Firefighter Buckley out of work", Athena stated. Captain Nash turned his attention to Buck, who was hiding from his stare behind Eddie. Eddie, on the other hand, stared back at Nash. How dare he turn his attention to them? Shouldn't his lawyer be keeping his focus on Athena?

"Sergeant Grant, are you aware that Captain Nash had allowed Firefighter Han back to work as soon as he was cleared?"

"I am. He went to work the day after he was cleared by Dr. Torrance. I am also aware that Captain Nash allowed Firefighter Diaz to work after his wife's death without time to grieve with his son".

"What can you tell me about Captain Nash's treatment towards Firefighter Buckley after the lawsuit?"

"Not much, as I was kept out of the loop and lied to, but I can say that, based on Captain Nash's reaction to me telling him that Firefighter Buckley had left for Austin, Captain Nash had not been treating that boy fairly."

"Can you elaborate, please?"

"Captain Nash had stated that Firefighter Buckley betrayed their trust, although he had every right to file the lawsuit. He also stated that he did what he thought was right to get it through Firefighter Buckley's head about how hurt he was."

"Objection, speculation" called out Captain Nash's lawyer. Speculation? She was there when Captain Nash had said it. She remembered word for word. It was even written down in her statement.


"Thank you. No further questions, your honour."

"Mr. Thorne, you can now cross-examine the witness."

"Sergeant Grant, I think we can all say that Captain Nash had the right to feel...upset...about the lawsuit. I mean, who would want their baggage aired out in a room of strangers. Wouldn't you think so too?"

"Objection, leading the witness."

"Sustained. Mr. Thorne, please refrain from leading the witnesses."

"Yes, your honour."

"You can continue."

"Sergeant Grant, is it correct that you worked on a cold case when you were explicitly told not to?"

"Yes it is."

"Could you say that, in a way, you acted like Captain Nash over here?"

"Objection, calls for speculation."

"Sustained. Mr. Thorne, if you cannot ask correctly, I will adjourn this case until Captain Nash and the L.A.F.D hires another lawyer. Do you understand?"

Everyone stared at Mr. Thorne waiting for his answer. "I said, do you understand, Mr. Thorne?"

"Yes, your honour. I am sorry."

"Good, now you may continue."

"No further questions, your honour."

"Prosecution calls Paramedic Wilson to the stand."

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