Chapter 10- Revenge Best Served Cold... Or in This Case, Wet

Start from the beginning

He laid down for a little, still feeling the effects of the pain medication. He was asleep for a few hours until he heard a rumbling. Bobby stepped outside just in time to watch the dam break. He quickly started to climb the fire escape from the room above his to reach high ground. The water forced him down though. It carried him until he could grab a street pole. The force of the water made it hard for Bobby to hold on and the stitches in his side were screaming. Or maybe that was him. It was hard to tell at this point.

It was a few hours later before the water had gone away. Bobby took in the sight around him. The town was destroyed. And he knew others would be too. He didn't know how long he was out there before he saw flashing lights of a fire truck. Bobby didn't think twice before calling out for help. He was too weak to move. He was even more upset when he saw who was there.

Back in Austin, Owen got a call about a dam break in L.A. They needed all the help they could get as a lot of the fire stations were waterlogged. Austin was one of the only two departments to answer the call for help. The chief chose the 121 and the 126 to head to L.A. Owen had accepted before he realised what that meant for Buck. It was too late to back out now. He had to break the news.

"Hey, listen up. We just got a call about the L.A. Dam breaking. It took out most of the fire stations and police districts. We were assigned to head down there tonight to help with any relief along with the 121 and some police officers. I know right now isn't the best of circumstances and I would like to apologise to you Buck. The chief gave me no choice. But let me remind you, that you have a whole team to look out for you and a certain police officer."

Buck couldn't believe what he was hearing. He left and promised to never go back. Now, he is being forced to go back to where he wasn't wanted. Buck didn't know if he could do that. He quickly got up and walked out of the station. He couldn't be in there anymore. Not after hearing that. Yeah, Owen apologised and made it clear to Buck that the team wouldn't let anything happen to him, but Buck needed the space. He went to the one place where he felt safe. The Lake.

That's where Carlos found him, again. TK told Carlos about them being sent to help in L.A. Carlos also knew about what happened to Buck in L.A. He was also being sent to L.A. to help cover ground for search and rescue, so he made a promise to himself that he would help Buck in any way. Carlos had grown attached to the blonde. He was cute, adorable, funny and a great man. He was falling for him. But he was dating TK...but the interaction at that diner made him think that TK might like Buck as well. And if the way Buck was blushing when Carlos went all 'protective boyfriend' mode had anything to say or when he blushed at TK's comment, Carlos could think the man liked them too. In all honesty, Carlos was jealous that the waitress was touching Buck and flirting with him, so it was barely an act that he put up.

He walked over to Buck, like last time, and again sat down next to him. This time around, Buck had known he was there and leaned into his touch. "Carlos, I don't want to go back. What if I see them again? Or worse, what if I ran into Maddie or Captain Nash? I don't think I can handle that right now. I just started therapy". Carlos hummed and brought Buck into him, "If you do, TK, your team and I will be there next to you. You won't have to face them alone. And if Captain Nash tries to do anything, I have jurisdiction over there for the time being and can arrest him for harassment". Buck sighed, "I guess that is true. But Maddie is my sister. I can't do that to her. She has been through a lot. Maybe this is her way of coping after leaving her Ex..."

Carlos shook his head, "Buck, that gives her no excuse to be hypocritical towards you. Or to anything she texted you. Yes, you both have been through a lot, but she should be there and understand you. Not whatever she is doing now." Buck nodded and closed his eyes. It was a calming sensation. To have someone on his side for once, all the physical affection. It was moments like these that Buck wanted to last. But all good things must come to an end sometime as the 126 engine pulled up next to the lake and TK hopped out. "You found the missing man again 'los! What would we ever do without you?" Carlos stood and kissed his boyfriend, "You, Tyler Kennedy, would crash and burn. Buck on the other hand, I think he would die from the lack of affection after you burn." Buck and TK laughed at his comment before the two headed to the truck. "I'll meet y'all in California. Safe travels."

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