Chapter 9- Talking Through Troubles and a Little Peace

Start from the beginning

"Buck, that's ok. I wasn't worried about that part. I'm more worried about what that therapist did. Did you tell anyone?" Buck nodded. "I told Captain Nash, but he choked it up to me wanting to hide the fact that I was the one who coerced her, not the other way around. I didn't tell anyone else though." TK hissed at this. It was one thing to not believe someone at first, but to actually turn the blame on an innocent man all because he was known to lay around with women was low. "Buck, if you want... I could go with you. I wouldn't mind. And I wouldn't tell anyone anything. You don't have to allow me. You could ask someone else, but it might be better to have someone who knows you better." TK held his hand out for Buck to take it, which the blonde did. It was comforting. "I would like that. I don't think I could face a therapist alone. Even if they were another gender."

TK nodded and pulled Buck up. He pulled a little too hard and Buck was standing right in front of him. TK felt bad. He loved Carlos, but he was slowly starting to get feelings for Buck. Buck was cute and selfless. TK would sometimes find himself staring at Buck during their shifts or at the house. But TK wouldn't do what Mitchell did to him. He couldn't do that to Carlos, so TK pushed those feelings down and backed up a little. "Let's go lay down, Buck. We are going to need all the energy we can get before we are back online." Buck nodded and allowed TK to pull him to the bunk room. They went to their respective bunks and went to sleep.

That would be the best sleep Buck had ever gotten since the truck bombing. No nightmares woke him up, only Buttercup licking his face. "Ok, ok, I'm up." He was the last one to wake up, so he immediately went to the dining room. "Morning sleepy head. Sleep well?" Judd came over and messed with his hair. Buck swatted at the older man's hands laughing. "I actually did. I don't think I even moved." Judd laughed and sat back down at the table after leading Buck to his seat beside TK.



Nothing really happened during the rest of their shift. The only major call they had was a teenager who had fallen asleep while cooking fried chicken. The teenager tried putting out the grease fire with water, but it made it worse, and the fire consumed the house. Captain Vega and her team had carried the teen, who had second and possible third-degree burns, to the hospital while the others went back to the station to clean up and leave. Buck sought out TK as they had planned to meet Carlos at a breakfast diner that Carlos had sworn up and down had the best breakfast sandwiches. He found TK in the locker rooms and made his way to him. "Hey TK. Are you ready to leave?" TK finished packing his bag before looking at Buck. "Yeah, let's go. You remember what the name of the diner was. All I remember was that Carlos couldn't stop talking about their homemade food." Buck laughed and assured the other that he knew where they were going. The diner was right across from Lady Bird Lake. Buck had visited the lake more than enough times to see where the diner was.

On the way, TK had pulled up a list of therapists. "Hey, I know we should wait until we are at home to talk about it, but I have a list of therapists that you might like. I didn't know if there was a specific age range or gender, so I found a little bit of everything. Hope that's ok. I want to help you." Buck looked at TK before turning his attention back on the road. "Oh...Yeah... I can take a look at the diner if that's ok. Are you sure about coming with me? I know I can be a lot." TK nodded at the man. "Of course, Buck. I want to help you anyway I can, and if this will help you, then I am willing to do so. You are not a lot. You just need reassurance which is ok. We all do."

They arrived at the diner at the same time as Carlos and headed inside. "Welcome! Is it just you three today?" The waitress asked. "Yes ma'am, just us three." The waitress asked them to follow her and led them to a booth. She got them their drinks and took their order. She got to Buck last. "And what can I get for you, sweetheart?" This caught Buck off guard. "Oh...uh... can I just get a veggie omelette, please?" The waitress smiled at him, "Sure thing, sugar." She left and Buck looked at TK and Carlos who were staring at him. "What?" He asked. "Buck, I don't know if you understand Southern courtesy, but no one calls a stranger sweetheart and sugar in the same tone as she did unless they were flirting with you." Carlos explained. "Wait, you're saying she was flirting with me?" Carlos nodded and Buck paled a little. "Don't worry Buck, Carlos is very intimidating and if you don't want her to keep flirting with you, I'm sure he wouldn't mind stepping in. When Captain Vega first joined us again, the fire team was at a rodeo and Carlos joined us. This bartender was flirting with me, and Carlos did what he does best, got jealous and used the "and his boyfriend is a cop" move. The bartender didn't flirt with me after that." Buck blushed at the thought of Carlos doing something similar like that for him. "I wouldn't mind at all. Is that ok, Buck?" Buck nodded and ducked his head, hoping to hide his blush. He didn't want to be the reason TK and Carlos broke up, but he took whatever they gave him.

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