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I am doing this surely because I got a notification from Pinterest about someone reacting to a comment that I made I'm as a commenting under a comment that I made and tell me that I'm chronically online and delusional because of what I said.

So I was on Pinterest like this was like over a year ago and I even made this comment cuz I was in a car trip with my sister and I come across a post at someone had made of a tweet right they screenshotted it where they were basically talking about how it's weird that Noah Santiago or whatever his last name is the dude from to all the boys and all the other cheesy romcom Netflix movies how he got so much publicity from doing to all the boys yet his cast member who the movie was about barely got half as much recognition as he did.

I I ended up commenting that I wasn't surprised that this happens all the time in Hollywood where you will have a movie that is about the person of color like it's their movie but because they're romantic interest is a conventionally attractive white person people are more paying attention to the conventionally attractive white person and it sucks but it happens.

like I pointed this out as someone who happens to be a minority. Like as someone who happens to be Southeast Asian East Asian and black mixed this was something that I've always pointed out when I watch movies or TV shows with my friends who were white or of some form of white descent whether it's them being straight up European or being of white hispanic background and pointing it out to them like why are you talking about that person way more than you're talking about the actual main character and it's not even like oh the main characters boring it's just that the other person again is more conventional attractive.

And is also something that I see like with certain shows where they will color wash a character because they know that the original story would make zero sense and it wouldn't be as true if all the characters were white but then getting upset or surprised when the POC character is the character that most people watching the show actually like a great example of this is the vampire diaries with Bonnie Bennett.

No I'm not saying that there aren't places in Virginia where everyone's white because they exist and they are a thing but I am saying that I have never researched looked into a place that are supposed to be well known for like magic witchcraft whatever you want to call it that didn't have pocs living there because a majority of the time the people that they were accusing of being witches if they weren't white women who normally they were just really friendly and really pretty and the other women in the community didn't like them so they would accuse him of witchcraft then they were POC women they were black women or native American women or Hispanic women who use home remedies to help out their family or their neighbors or whoever it may be rather than going to the very white pharmacy that weren't caught pharmacies back then and using their medicines or listening to the doctors like.

My whole thing though is I feel like people kind of just dismiss the blatant dismissal of pocs when they're supposed to be the main character but also they dismiss the blatant racism that white authors and movie directors and TV directors etc have when it comes to the pocs in their story the first example I can think of is Twilight.

like Stephanie Myers does not hide the fact that all the native Americans in her series are considered savages that they are punching bag for the perfect white vampire family not to mention if you've ever actually read the books you would know that there have been numerous occasions where Edward would sit there and do something like absolutely horrendous and heinous whether it was physical or even just like verbal abusive towards Jacob which makes no sense because again Edward is a grown 100 plus year old vampire and Jacob is literally a 15 / 16 year old human boy.

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