New needle same pain

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Steady beeping followed nearly woke the simian that laid on a cot, asleep like nothing in the world could disturb them. Except something did, a machine exhaling steam was what caused the simian to wake up, they rose from the cot only to be pushed back down by Syntax. "Stay down Cynic, you're far too injured to even try sitting up." They scoffed, not wanting to listen to Syntax, what did he know? "I'm fine old man, it was a scratch, I'm fine." The simian reluctantly laid back on the cot, not really wanting to be there much longer. "You fell out of a window trying to capture a target." "No not try, I did get them." "It was a decoy, Cynic." A look of distress was now on their face, they were sure that they caught the target, but now that this information has come to light they were a bit ticked off, not too mad, but upset about it to say the least. "Then jumping out that window was for nothing huh." Syntax nodded and turned to a table that held medical equipment, he mumbled something as he did "of course it was, dumbass." "Heard that." Cynic sat up on the cot and took the pillow they laid on and threw it at Syntax, laughing and pointing at the arachnid, holding their stomach as it hurt from laughter. "Cynic you!-" Syntax couldn't finish his sentence as he noticed the simian staring at their bandaged wrist, it withheld a sight that the simian hated, it made them anxious and it reminded them of the days they were an experiment. "Syntax.. " Cynic's voice wavered. "I tried to hide it from you, don't look at it!" The simians' breath picked up as their hands shook with adrenaline. they couldn't take it, they couldn't handle any needles near them, they felt the piece of metal in their skin, they were aware of it and they hated it. "Take it out." "Cynic, wait." "Take it out or I will!" The arachnid tried to explain that the simian needed it but they wouldn't listen, they couldn't. Cynic tore the bandages concealing the IV needle and regretted beholding the sight of it in their skin, they cringed and gripped the line, yanking it out of their skin. Small puddles of blood fell onto the white sheets of the cot, Syntax was screeching things Cynic couldn't hear, their ears were ringing, they rolled off the cot and fell onto the floor holding their wrist. Syntax came around to help them but they pushed him away, and ran out of the infirmary and into their room, heavy breaths and sobs escaped their lips as they rummaged through the medicine cabinet they had in their bathroom. Blood was everywhere and on everything as they sobbed, Syntax was bangging on the door, demanding that they open the door, Cynic couldn't hear the simian's ears ringing and everything was spinning, they could remember a face, one they so desired to forget. Thankfully the face was replaced with Syntaxes, his hands on the bandages and Cynic's wrist, The simian couldn't hear but they knew that he was apologizing. Weak and tired from the outburst, they let Syntax fix them before helping them up to their bed. Both were silent as Syntax Laid Cynic down, apologizing one last time before he left the simian to rest, Cynic fell asleep after Syntax left, dreaming of were they once were, being poked and prodded with needles day and night, they wanted to forget but it was hard when your reminded every day. "Tomorrow is another day Cynic, tomorrow is another day."

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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