01 How you meet Part 2

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Characters: Guevara, Musashi, Tokugawa, SPEC, Dorian, Yanagi, Oliva


You don't know what's wrong with you, but you decide to take a trip to a middle-of-nowhere island in Central America before you graduate, despite everyone around you trying to dissuade you from going to an island with a black travel alert, but with the spirit of John Chau's ※ traveling to North Sentinel Island, India in an attempt to convert the tribe to Christianity, you went on the cruise

(※Note: John Allen Chau was an American Evangelical Christian missionary who was killed by the Sentinelese, a self-isolated uncontacted people, after illegally traveling to North Sentinel Island, India in an attempt to convert the tribe to Christianity.)

Although your end is not as tragic as that of John Chau, but it can also be described by the word "tragedy".

First, on a cruise to this island nation, you and your fellow passengers are robbed by pirates. You're in your room, working on your graduation thesis in psychology, and all of a sudden, your door is kicked in and men with rifles are yelling at you to bring out your valuables.

"Take whatever you want, but please don't bother me to study." You said coldly. You've been impatient with study, and now you've had a robbery that makes you even more unpleasant.

"Stop talking shit, take out all your money!" said the big guy who took the lead, still pointing his gun at you threateningly.

You laughed, and the laughter was pleasant, but the tone was light mockery, not so much a mockery of them as it was your own mockery of yourself.

"Anyway, my life sucks, and shoot me if you want. I don't care." You said, "After so many years of study, so many exams, and so many school debts, I still have to take the qualification exam for a Psychologist. Ah, I really want to die. I would rather die."

How ironic, you think, that psychology students are the ones who need to see a psychiatrist the most.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" he asked. His expression of surprise was masked by a bushy beard that did not fit his infant's face.

When your throat tightened, tears almost came out of your eyes. Yet you hold back your sadness, raise your head, and sniff hard because all the decisions you've made in your life have one goal in mind—not to show weakness.

"I'm fine." you whispered, but your voice didn't sound really fine.

In the end, they feel sorry for you, so they don't rob you. Instead, they comfort you and invite you to dinner on the island, which you also accept without any sense of danger (students lose their minds when they hear about free meals).

The place for the dinner was the house of the big guy with a baby face, whose name was Seth. Seth's wife Jenna has prepared a feast for you and the rest of Seth's pals, filled with local dishes.

To be honest, for you who usually have heavy schoolwork and can only eat fast food, although these dishes are not delicious, they are very delicious. Jenna stuffed your plate with a lot of food, and everything was delicious.

"Y/N, you're a college student, right? What department do you study in college?" Seth was particularly interested.

"Psychology." you replied.

"Then do you know what I'm thinking now?"


"Aren't you studying psychology?" Seth said. "You must be able to read minds, right?"

"Even though you study Economics doesn't mean you are rich."

Everyone laughed.

When everyone is full, Jenna serves dessert, but you can't eat anything, so you decide to take a walk outside.

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