I laugh as he storms off to refill his cup and plop down next to Bonnie. "Hasn't this week just been fucking fantastic?"

She slowly turns her head and furrows her eyebrows. "It's only Monday."

"I know." I tell her, "It's been a fantastic Monday. Marvelous Monday." Bonnie shakes her head at me and ignores my fuckawesome alliteration.

"I heard you spoke to Damon." My smile falters but doesn't fade.

I clench my teeth at the reminder of the conversation that now seems so long ago. It'd been in my best interest to ignore it and him at all costs. I know they say you shouldn't ignore your problems, but 'they' probably consists of assholes who never had any.

Bubbling beneath the anger of my conversation with him was even surer fury. I swear it's like everyone wants me to be moody today. The fact that one of my best friends still spoke to my brother pissed me off to no end. I was a possessive little fucker, but that wasn't the reason why. Bonnie Bennett, no matter how amazing she is, will forever be hung up on Damon fucking Salvatore. True shit. She could deny it, but she'd been in love with him since she met him. I'd like to say Damon loved her too, but he had such a shitty way of showing love and my Bonnie became a victim to that. She supported him, cared about him, defended him, and saved him from himself time after time. She'd been the connector between the two of us, pushing us together to savor a lost brothership that will never be again. I'm not bitter enough to put my own feelings before hers, but the bottom line is that she deserves to be happy. With or without Damon. Considering that Damon's in a relationship right now, I'd prefer without.

I clear my throat. "Yeah, we had a very enlightening conversation."

She nods and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "He said you were pretty damn hostile." She murmurs jokingly. I don't laugh. She grimaces and leans toward me. "Look," she whispers, "Jacob, I get it. I really, really, do. But this has gone on for too long and you know that."

Intent on not talking about it, I ignore her and open up a container of pasta that Elena packed for me. Instantly, I'm smiling again and pulling out my plastic fork. I feel Bonnie's stare on me before she relents and sighs. "So, what's that?"

I fork the pasta and shove a piece in my mouth. Chewing happily, I grin. "Elena made it for me."

Nik pulls his head away from his phone he'd been texting on auspiciously. He looks dubiously at us both before he snorts. "Elena?" I nod. He laughs. "The same Elena who had you search her house for a guinea pig? Be sure she didn't poison it."

I roll my eyes even though I know that that is actually a good theory and not beyond her capabilities at all. Poisoned or not, the pasta is fucking amazing. Orgasmic.

Hm...Orgasms. Orgasms and Elena. Orgasms with Elena. Orgasms with Elena and...Pasta?

Nothing sexual about that lastone.

"I can't believe your devil child actually stays quiet for her."

"Mini is pretty good at telling who's an asshole and who's not. She's got you spot on, dick."

Nik snickers and shoves my shoulder, cursing at me. "You're right about one thing. The ass on her, Jake."

I stop smiling. "What? When did you see Elena?"

Nik is not just my best friend, he's my brother. More of a brother than Damon will ever be. This sack of shit has had my back for years. He's seen me at my worst, my best, and my...worse. He's seen me take home girls and do body shots in tattoo parlors. He has everything on me and knows me like the back of his hand.

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