"What happened, pup?" I asked softly caressing his slim petite waist.

Third person's Pov:

Taehyung didn't answer. He moved more closer to the black haired male. Truth to be said, Jungkook's presence was familiar for him. He felt safe and comfortable around him. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He just wanted to spend whole day with his Daddy..

Jungkook understood that the younger wanted his warmth. He didn't questioned more and carried Taehyung. The younger was still in the same position. Hugging the black haired male like a kola while his legs were around Jungkook's waist curved like a snake.

Jungkook made his way and placed himself on the bed along with the younger.

Jungkook slowly moved his hands inside the shirt of the younger and started caressing his naked back.

Taehyung was feeling euphoric at that time. He thought he was getting all comfort he ever wanted.

"Jungkook-k?" The voice was much different from earlier..

Jungkook understood as the younger moved his body backward facing him.

"Tae? Baby? Is that you-u?" Jungkook was astonished.

"Yes-s what do you mean by me?" Taehyung asked being a little confuse by Jungkook's behaviour.

Knowing that Taehyung was back in his own self again. The black haired male couldn't feel more happy than ever..

Without wasting any seconds he hugged Taehyung again tightly. He loved the little space Taehyung but couldn't help missing his big baby.

"Bun, you are back-k?" Jungkook was literally crying at that point. He only knew how much he regretted everything he did.

"Please don't hurt me, Jungkook-k"

Already broken Jungkook eventually broke more hearing those few words.

"I am sorry bun. I am really sorry-y. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have judged your love. I should have trusted you when you said there was nothing between you two. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness anymore. I am behind your every misery. Please-e I am s-sorry love."

Taehyung couldn't help himself wiping the tears from his husband's eyes. Whatever happened, he still loved Jungkook. He knew he was at the fault too. He should have given himself to Jungkook when his love would be happy by taking that. He shouldn't have said that he was not ready.

"Don't be love. I am sorry too. I also didn't trust you that's why couldn't fulfill your wish. I know I did wrong too. Forgive me, baby."

Both were crying at that point. It was like they were pouring all their hidden pain.

"No bun. Don't say like that. I was too desperate to make love with you. I forgot the fact that you're still too young to do that. Also I forced you when you said you were not ready for that. I am really sorry. Punish me love. I deserve it. But please don't be afraid of me. I can't imagine of you being afraid of me. I want your love. And I think I have that. I don't need anything else love. I promise I will never talk about that thing again. One day when you will be able to trust me fully, when you will think that I am capable of taking care of you, when you will think I deserve your love, that day we will make love. Till then I will never talk about this thing and will never make you uncomfortable. Forgive me because of my earlier stupidity bun. I understood that the bond between heart is more important than the mere physical pleasure." Jungkook said putting his head downwards in guild and shame.

Taehyung could see the guilty eyes of Jungkook and couldn't help himself from forgiving him.

"Love, Look at me." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's chin softly making him look at him.

Both were looking at each other's eyes.

"I already forgave you Jungkook. Yes what you did was definitely wrong but I can't fully blame you love when I was at fault too. I made you feel loveless. I hesitated to give myself to you feeling afraid that you would leave me after-r"

Taehyung couldn't say more as he broke down in tears. Jungkook instantly hugged him mumbling "it's okay" softly.

"Bun, you know I would never do that to you. I love you not to leave you alone." Jungkook said still hugging the younger who was crying mess in his arms.

"I am-m sorry-y koo."

"It's okay love. I am sorry too. Now stop crying." Jungkook said wiping the tears from the younger's eyes which he disliked the most.

"Shhh! We are alright?"


"Come love. Let's have breakie. Hm? Will I make your favourite strawberry pancake?" Jungkook asked still holding the younger who was hugging him..

Taehyung's eyes immediately sparkled due to the mention of his favourite desert.

"Yes please."

Jungkook chuckled at the cuteness of the younger.

"Okay now let me go? Hm bun? How will I make your favourite food if you will keep hugging me like this hm?"

"No, I don't want to leave you." Taehyung started whining and Jungkook couldn't help himself cooing at the cute behaviour of his husband.

"Okay bun. Let me go first then after having breakfast we will cuddle the whole day. Fine?"

Taehyung pouted while he rested his hands on his chest acting angry.. Jungkook quickly pecked on his lips and ran outside.


"Ahh, shh! Babe, I took a leave today. Now fresh up and come downstairs quickly."

Both Jungkook and Taehyung signed... Their life was hectic and hard this few days. Atlast everything was alright. Yes, that's what they both thought.

But future can't be predicted. Can it be?

............................. To be continued........................

Stay safe everyone. I will update next chapter either today itself or tomorrow..

Smut? How about that? I don't know how to write one... What to do? 🙂🥲

Okay I will try my best.
Stay safe everyone till then.

Wasn't I Enough For You?🥀 //Taekook Where stories live. Discover now