Pastry Cookie Dating Headcanons

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Does anyone get merkabah from smt 4 vibes from reverend mother cookie or is it just me. Also she's in ny top 10 favourite cookies.

-She fell in love instantly

-She didn't really understand her feelings because at first she thought it was a variation of fear.

-So now when was she's near you she gets her crossbow ready to shoot just in case anything happens

-One time at night you tried to ask her for directions after and pointed the crossbow on you almost shooting you.

-She asked about to this Revered Mother Cookie and she had to explain that she is falling in love and not to shoot you unless you're "one of the unclean ones."

-Naturally she acted more nicely around you and profusely apologized for her actions and she confessed her love to you and ask if you feel the same way.

-If you reject her she will take it well and leave you be while feeling little bit upset but she'll get over it.

-If you say yes she'll be happy and hug you before making a prayer thanking the divine witches for giving her a lover.

-Revered Mother Cookie is the third the wheel and most of the time tries to come to your dates.

-If you try questioning her either Pastry Cookie in fear butts in telling you to not question her or Revered Mother Cookie will make up some dumb excuse.

-Revered Mother Cookie will watch you you silently everytime you hangout with Pastry Cookie.

If she can't come to your dates she'll send an assassin to watch both of you to report what you two were doing to make sure you're not making Pastry Cookie less loyal to the church and that Pastry Cookie does not tell you the sercet.

-But if nothing happens and you didn't make Pastry question the witches then after a while she'll stop wasting the assassin time.

-Oddly enough you don't hangout that much due to her being busy with church stuff if not then Revered Mother Cookie will give her work to do.

-So you both of you cherish the time you have together alone.

-She likes to sleep on you alot and finds ot nice to wake up in your arms

-You're basically her alarm clock.

-She will not show her affection at public or when Revered Mother Cookie is around the best you get is a complement or a head pat. When you two are alone expect alot of cuddling and kissing.

-When she gets a nightmare and she isn't sleeping on you she starts praying quietly.

-If she wakes you up she will apologize and cuddle you.

-She always has to go where you go and she wants you to come where she goes because secretly feels safer being with you especially if it she has to go to the chruch or is around Revered Mother Cookie.

-She doesn't tell anyone this out of fear that Revered Mother Cookie will do something to you or her.

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