Stand Still Like The Hummingbird

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean? I came here to visit my dear old friend..."

"Cut the act suki, you know damn well," He snickered. "How are you going to disappear and then waltz back in here like it was nothing?"

"I left a note, didn't I?" Her hands folded under her breasts.

"Ciao, Chuuya isn't going to cut it,"

Tsuki chuckles at the remembrance. Though the situation itself was not funny, she couldn't help herself.

"Fine, you caught me," She said before making her way towards the seat that faced the red-head.

"As you know..."

"Bad start already,"

Ignoring him she continued. "I have an ability. And as marvelous as it is, there is always a disadvantage to everything," she exaggerated.

"The concept of my ability is actually quite complicated, the thing about it is that with such a powerful ability, it has occurred to me that my time has come."

"What are you going on about..." His eyes completely on her now. He couldn't tell if his maneater of a friend was exaggerating or not.

"Moonlight on the river lets me do anything I desire. A variety of abilities in one, like time control...minimal nullification... " The girl went on.

"I know that! But what do you mean it occurred to you?"

"...Chuuya," she paused for a moment.

"I'm gonna die,"

Chuuya stayed quiet.

"Did you really think a person like me, a person that possesses such strong abilities, was gonna live long?"

"You idiot! Can't you stop it? You said minimal nullification!"

"Quiet, the winter harbor isn't as strong as you think." She chuckled.

"It's a bit like corruption. Uncontrollable. Your partner would nullify it for the exact reason," Tsuki played with bands on her fingers. "No one can stop it."

"Well there has to be something-" his head was spinning.

"Chuuya," He looked over at her

"You can't change what's going to happen eventually,"

Everything paused.

"Have you noticed the weather lately? It's been getting colder, more than usual actually," Her eyes gleamed.

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