New to hawkins

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I zoned out looking out the window and seeing 'welcome to Hawkins' "finally we're here" I mumbled "y/n/n be happy we are leaving that strange place" my mom said "so I had friends there" I said about to zone out again "y/n you had to go to therapy because of them" she mumbled "no mom it wasn't them it was that fucking clown his real" i looked at her and she started to get angry "Listen Hawkins is better then dairy" she yells "WHAT ABOUT EDDIE HOW DO YOU THINK HE FEELS MOM" I scream back I strayed to tear up so I looked back out the window

Flash back

"KILL IT SOMEONE I DONT WANT TO DIE YET" I scream as the clown picks me up by the throat "SAVE HER YOU ASSHOLES" eddie screams back they were all trying to save me but then the clowns mouth opened showing thousands of teeth then 3 balls came up


"We're here y/n" my mom said making me snap out of it "okay, eddie I call 2nd biggest room" I say running off into the house "HEYYY THATS NOT FAIR" he screams I hurried into the second biggest room I sat down my stuff and Eddie rushed in " you know what have this room this probably really bad bacteria and other shit" he said while taking a hit of his inhaler "yea totally Eddie" I say standing up a ruffing his hair I walked out the room and down stairs "hey mom can I go to a fast food place" I say about to grab her keys "yea sure but make sure Eddie has his inhaler and he don't eat a lot his heath is very bad right now" she spoke while starring at the tv I see Eddie running down stairs and hugging mom before coming to my side "alrighto let's get going" I say walking out the door and soon getting into the car with eddie beside me "hey um eat how much you want don't listen to mom" I mumbled "okay so where are we going" he takes a hit out of his inhaler "how about Burger King" I said with a bright smile "well y/n I heard that-" I cut him  off by saying "okay shut it germ boy" I start the car up and drive off to Burger King I order our food then pulled up toward a random car and saw a boy with amazing hair making out with a beautiful girl I look over to see Eddie digging into the Burger King bag "woah calm down" I laugh "well you said to eat how much I want and I'm hungry" he barked back "okay okay let me help you though your arm is broken" I reach down in the bag to grab his food out and then I hand his food to him and pull out mine we talk and eat "remember riche he was to much" I say laughing "y/n/n can I tell you something" he looks nervous "uh sure eddie what's up" he looks down "I like-liked riche" he is now picking at his cast "oh..that's cute yk since he bullied you he like you back" I take another bite out my burger "really!" I look over at Eddie "well duh and we should be getting home you can finish on the way" I say starting the car and driving home

Once we arrive I went up stairs took a shower did my night routine and soon went to bed

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