Ocean Eyes

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"Aw shoot "

"I forgot to grab my lip tint! I'm gonna look like a walking corpse later" you whispered while waiting for the dark free haired girl to make your coffee.

The cafe she works in has pretty good coffee and desserts in it. Besides, the owner of this cafe is a close friend of yours. He once told you about his dream of rebuilding the old empty almost abandoned house near your apartment building.

Of course, you, being the supportive friend you are, tell him that he can borrow your money and try investing it in his dreams. Him being a shy person he is denied it at first and gave up in like, a week.

Since you want to act so stubborn like always. He can't help but say yes and is too tired to lecture you about giving away your money in a careless way.

And he happened to have a friend who needs a part-time job, both for college and everyday needs. That friend of his is in front of you readying your four coffees for your other coworkers.

The cafe is well designed and has a comfortable vibe. Some couches, plushies, and the bar area are very photogenic, you're impressed with his skill, to be honest. And Inumaki even hired a singer and guitarist whenever it's night Saturday time. Miwa and Kokichi are surely talented people huh? They fit the roles like gloves.

"You can use mine miss," Zenin Maki, ( you know her name from the pin on her uniform) suddenly said, crashing your train of thought. "And your order is ready," she said, holding out a ruby-colored lipstick, and on the other hand using the cashier.

"Ah, you shouldn't have!" You waved your hand frantically, handing her the money and with extra tips already counted in.

" I'm fine! Don't worry about it-" your words got cut off, as she firmly grasp one of your palms and laid the lipstick on top of it.

" I insist miss," she said, making eye contact with you. Your bright ocean blue eyes froze under her golden ones, but of course. you'll do it anyway. You have a weak spot for women who like to be demanding after all.

You sighed in defeat (of course that's fake you're just trying to provoke her) and grasped it. "If you insist, miss Zenin"

"You can call me Maki Miss," she said.

"Right Maki, I'll make it quick so you don't have me bothering your work again," you said while getting out your phone as a makeshift mirror, grabbing the already open lipstick and dabbing it lightly on your already pink plump lips. And popping your lips afterward.

You knew she's watching, so you pulled something off that can catch her off guard.

As You licked your upper lip, Maki is watching you for way too long than she intends to, gulping her saliva on the way. and just right on the time, someone barged into the quiet atmosphere shop and is yelling your name.

"God damn it, woman, how many times do I have to tell you, call me when you're ready!!??" The tattooed scary looking man said while bolting at you.

"Sukuna how many times do I have to tell you that there are people," you huft while closing the lipstick tube.

Since it's still morning around 8 or 9 or so, not many people are around. But since they're busy with their things, they didn't care about Sukuna yelling and cursing the hell out of you.

It'll be busy soon during lunchtime and dinner time later. After all, this cafe is one of the hottest places people would like to go to.

Your influence is surely something else huh?.

"Sorry I was working on our meeting's plans last night, and I woke up late. Anddd I got distracted" you said looking at the 'distracted' reasoning you just said. And handing her the lipstick.

Sukuna only grunts at your words too tired to retort at your shit. He already grabbed your documents and bags on the couch without you telling him to do so.

"Hurry up woman. Don't take another toy with you home this time, remember what happened last month-" He snickered and groaned after you nudged his hip harshly.

'Deserved.' You thought, almost frowning.

"Fuck! you know what? Just hurry up and get inside already. I need to plan your shit too dumbass" Sukuna said, making eye contact with you and immediately regretting it.

"Say it again?, Ryomen Sukuna." You said in a low threatening tone. 'You're on thin fucking ice Sukuna ' you thought bitterly. 

"Forgive me, madam. I shall await your arrival in front of the door" he bowed deeply and excused himself with your belongings.

You sighed while massaging your temples. "I'm sorry for his behavior" you suddenly said, making the green-haired girl flinch.

"He's usually not like this, I'm sorry you had to see that. "

"I understand Miss. You don't have to apologize. "

"I feel humiliated because of him" as you sighed you pulled out your card with your numbers on it.

" Call me when you have free time. I'll treat you something as a thank you for letting me borrow your lipstick and as an apology because of his behavior" you said softly as your soft hand collided with her palm opening and closing it with the card between her fingers.

"But Miss-"

"Hey don't deny me now. I'm not usually this open with people, but for you?"

You said pausing while closing your distances as you softly whispered in her ear " I can always make an acceptance".

She froze like she just got shot and died from the shock. The difference is just that, her whole face almost looks like it will burst into flames with how red it is.

As you giggled and grabbed your coffees, you walked out of the door. But before you close the cafe's door, you tell Maki something.

"Oh and by the way, how do I look?"

"You look hot- I mean beautiful as always Miss"

"As always huh? Have you been watching me then?"

"No Miss, what I mean is-"

"I'm just teasing ya," you said while putting your phone back in your leather bag.

You paused for a bit. enjoying her flustered look and scanning every bit of her.

" hon, do tell Inumaki to raise your wage for me okay? Just tell him a white-haired woman named (Y/N) told you so!" You waved and closed the door with the chime doorbell sound ringing across the cafe.

Maki almost stumbled her way into the staff room while holding your card.

"Holy fuck" as she slowly consumes whatever shit just happened earlier. You wearing her lipstick, ( she never used it again because she thought it would erase your lips presence)

Or whatever shit you were pulling earlier in her ear.

"A treat huh?" She said while reading your golden black aesthetic card.

"With Gojo (Y/N)."

The white-haired woman with ocean blue eyes still lingering in her mind. She's loving it

She quickly scans the card's information, such as your numbers (there's 5 of them) your assistant's names ( one of them is Ryomen Sukuna, the guy from earlier. And Fushiguro Megumi), and your company's name.

Maki was a fool to never notice you as one of the 3 biggest luxurious fashion brand companies. Funny enough, two of them are you and your siblings. With you being the second and 'Gojo Satoru' being the first.

Of course, she will use this opportunity to wife you up, but the deepest part of her heart can't help but thinks.

'Another toy he said?'

'I'll make sure you know your place then' she thought, smirking to herself. Accepting your 'game'.

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