Stuck in a Elevator Together

Start from the beginning

Nodding back she fully turns to face Weavile fully smiling at him.

"Interesting where do you work at?" She ask him very curious taking a step closer to Weavile

Smiling more he reach out with a paw gently ruffling her head.

"Why? You wanna visit me while I'm at work?"

"Perhaps if we get to know each other more"

Taking a step closer into Celebi personal space he moves his paw to the side of her cheek gently stroking it with the tip of his claw fingers seeing her shudder in delight.

"Well I gotta know more about you ma'am if we wanna cross that line"

She gave him playful pout.

"Aw no fair can't we just skip a few stops and drive on through" she smirk swaying her hips side to side even arching her big chests up a little which he did see.

He move his paw from her cheek to Celebi neck gently stroking it seeing she had arch her big chests up abit and is abit surprise to hear her say that even though they've already met for a few minutes.

Smirking Celebi even stood on the tippy toes of her sandals feeling Weavile paw slowly moving down her neck as her smile widens.

"We're alone together, surely he wouldn't mind would he?"

"Arceus, what am I even doing? I've never seen a very beautiful Pokémon like her before and here I am just going with the flow, ugh what do I do?"

Before Weavile could say something the whole elevator came to an abrupt stop which cause Weavile to lose his balance and collide into Celebi making her fall onto her back with him landing on top of her.

A groan came from Celebi as she clutch her head.

"That's abit unexpected, why did the elevator come to an abrupt stop?"

She try to sit up but felt something laying heavily on top of her knowing well it was that Weavile but also felt something rubbing into her big chests.

Glancing a down she blush abit red in surprise to see the Weavile laying on top of her but his face rubbing into the fabric of her sweater where her big chests were.

"W-what I-is h-he doing?"

She blush abit more red seeing a paw of his move to the side of her sweater tugging on it as his face press more into the sweater of her big chests and rubs into them causing her to squeak.

"O-Oh my I-I didn't expect t-this to happen"

She wince abit trying to avoid making a sound but the way Weavile was putting pressure on her big chests had a wonderful feeling flow through her and she slowly moved her legs around his waist letting out a soft quiet moan before covering her mouth in embarrassment.

"I didn't mean to do that"

Moving a paw to his feathery ear Celebi gently flicks it a few times to get his attention.

"Um sir, c-can y-you get your f-face off of m-my breasts p-please" she ask but a part of her wants his face to stay there abit longer.

Slowly lifting his head their eyes lock together as a smile form on Weavile lips seeing Celebi blushing as he felt her legs tighten up around his waist.

"You sure? I heard you moan a second ago" he chuckl

She huffs blushing more red giving a glare too.

"That was unexpected, I-I didn't think the elevator would come to a complete stop and for us to end up in the position we're in right now"

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