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Start from the beginning


Everyone was in the living room screaming while playing monopoly. Atsumu had landed on Park Place and Suna owned it; meaning he owed Suna 2500 dollars.

"I'm not paying you for walking on your lawn!" Atsumu screamed while holding his money closely to his chest. Suna was leaning against the coffee table and glaring at Tsumu.

"Gimme the fucking money or I'll call the police!" Suna quipped while swinging his finger at the boy.

"There's no poli-" I started but Suna changed his glance toward me and I shut up, letting him take the lead and earn his money. Kita seemed astonished at their behavior as he held his hand over his mouth in shock and Aran just chuckled every time the pair yelled. God knows where Osamu has disappeared to.

"Y/n, help me out here! Why do I gotta pay him money for walking on some property?" Atsumu gestured to a smirking Suna who was fanning himself with money.

"I mean... it is in the rules and Suna DOES own the land..." I trailed off while looking desperately at Aran and Kita, who had begun their own game of go fish throughout all the commotion. Osamu suddenly appeared on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.

"Wow, you're not even gonna help your bestie," Atsumu sighed in exasperation and handed Suna the money in defeat. Suna stood up and started doing some weird victory dance. His hands are doing some kind of wave and his legs are doing the same. I started giggling as he continued.

Atsumu pouted, "I hate the damn game."

"Yeah, I can see why. You suck," I snickered along with Aran, "I don't even know how. The whole game is just: get money, buy shit, and get more money."

I started straight up cackling at this point, clutching my stomach and wheezing as Suna started slowly joining in with small laughs here and there. Atsumu crossed his arms and continued to pout, completely ignoring Aran's commentary.

After that we cleaned up the game and just relaxed around the house for a bit. Osamu and Kita had left to go get us all a late lunch and Aran was taking a nap in the living room while the rest of us decided to relax on the patio outside. Music was playing and we were snacking on some grapes while the midday sun beamed on our skin, gently tanning our cheeks.

"I love this song," I said under my breath while Atsumu and Suna were playing that hand slapping game where you have to slap the other person's hands while being underneath theirs. Atsumu seemed to be in more pain than Suna.

"Ow! That hurts like a bitch!" Atsumu winced and drew his hands back to examine them, red began to form as a rash on his fingers and outer palms.

"Haha. Too slow," Suna cracked his knuckles and turned back to me. His eyes nearly burned into mine, "Wanna play?"

"You're going to whip my hands clean off," I squinted my eyes and shook my head. He seemed a little bummed but turned back to Atsumu and continued the game.

"Ow- Suna! Fuck you!" Atsumu exclaimed while getting up and flipping the brunette off. Tsumu stepped back into the house, closing the glass door behind him with a thud.

"Pussy..." Suna turned back to me and rolled his eyes, "He just hates losing."

"Ha! As if you're any better."

MYSTERY GIRL ︴𝗥. 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗔Where stories live. Discover now