My heart melted as I pulled her into a hug. "God, you are so adorable," I said, and she giggled. As I made the pancakes, a pair of arms wrapped around me. "morning" he said as water dripped from his hair into my shoulder. "Morning. How many pancakes do you want?" He leaned in and whispered, "I don't make pancakes for breakfast." He slid his hand up my thigh a little and I froze. "Isabella." I whispered, and he turned, "she's not looking" I elbowed him in the ribs, "not when there are kids in the room. Now how many pancakes?" He clicked his tongue like he was annoyed but he was smiling. "3 please."

I smiled before turning and I made him 3 pancakes. Who did he think he was trying to do that stuff when Isabella was like 10 feet away? Once I finished making his breakfast, I fixed myself a plate. Isabella had already gotten hers, but she was waiting for ours to be done. She enjoyed eating breakfast together. I sat down and ate as slowly as I could. Once Isabella was done she put his dishes in the sink and walked away to her room. It was just me and Matheo; he scooted over to me and smiled that devilish grin.

"She's not here anymore." I scoff. I hadn't even finished my breakfast. "Are you unsatisfied? Is that why you keep pushing me off today? Or do you just not want to today?" I gave him a soft smile before looking down the hallway to make sure Isabella wasn't listening. "Trust me, I have been satisfied, but it feels like we have more sex than we do just hanging out. You act like if we don't have sex, you're not sure what to do with me. Were friends, right?" His eyebrows raised, "seems like you have given this some thought. Am I asking too much? If I am just say something, Andrea and I'll stop."

I couldn't help but smile. "You're not asking too much. I just want to hang out with you more, have fun, hangout with Isabella, not just be in your bed all the time. That's it." He smiled a little. "okay" he leaned over and kissed my cheek before putting his dishes in the sink and walking after Isabella. I finish eating my pancakes before doing the dishes. Once I was done I put everything up and walked over to my apartment. They just finished putting on the new floors and they looked amazing. They were shining, and they made the marble counter pop out more. The living room was still empty, and it gave me a bare feeling.

I sighed as I walked into the empty area; it felt weird seeing it so bare; I needed new furniture today. I closed my door and went back to Matheos. Isabella was wearing a sun flower dress with matching flats. Matheo looked lost as he held a hairbrush and a hair tie. They looked at me and he was pleading with his eyes for me to help. "What's going on here?" I ask as I make my way over to them. "I want my hair half up, half down and daddy doesn't know how." Isabella said and I chuckled, "I do, I can do it if you want." She nods, "please" I looked at Matheo, who handed over the brush and hair tie a little too quickly.

I snicker as I put her hair up. When she looked in the mirror, she squealed as she jumped up and down. She looked adorable. "Thank you, Andrea." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back before she skipped down the hallway. "So, how does your apartment look?" He asked, looking down at his feet like they were the most interesting thing in the world. "Uh, they fixed the floors and counters. Now I have to go get some furniture and a new TV. It looks too bare." He nods, "well Isabella wanted to spend the day with you, so maybe we can go shopping for new couches together."

I gave him a soft smile. "I would love that." We got Isabella into my car and we drove to the nearest store that sold couches. It was pretty clean, and the couches weren't stupidly expensive. I picked out two black couched that felt like fuzzy blankets. Once I shoved them into my car, Isabella had to hide on the dashboard upfront because we didn't have room in the back. We got home and Matheo helped me carry them inside. We got everything situated and set up, the TV stand still sat there empty. It bugged me. I looked at Matheo, who knew what I was thinking, "let's go get a TV Isabella" he said as he put his hands on her shoulders and led her back out to my car.

Second ChanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora