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4 years ago, third POV

"FUCK YOU Y/N" George yelled at his brother "I NEVER WANTED A BROTHER, YOU'RE MY SISTER ALWAYS WILL BE" tears stream from the youngers face, he jumps as George slams his fist onto the table

"W-what are y-y-you going to to h-h-h-hi-hit me like m-um and-d-d dad" Y/N manages through his tears

"GET OUT OF MY FLAT YOU FUCKING WHORE" the younger runs up to his room, packing some clothes, his phone, and a charger before running from the small flat without thinking.

--small time skip brought to yoh by brown m&m--

The boy found himself in the local part attempting to pull themself together, without thinking they dialed the number of their best friend Arlo. He picked up as soon as the phone rang

"N/N what's wrong, you never call"

"I came out to George... I think he was drunk again but he wasn't acting it at first then he started yelling and he hit the table and told me to get out and now I'm stuck in the park Ari I don't know what to do" the boy on the other end was quite for a moment

"You can stay with me for awhile, I'll book you a hotel until your flight which ill also book as well as sending you some money for food, does that sound good?" Zey asked softly

"Thank you I'll pay you back soon I promise!"

--skip in time brought to you by my ADHD lazy ass, your pov--

Ari had sent me my hotel information and flight details as well as 150 dollars for food. I left for the U.S in two days. Time moved unbearably slow as I attempted to stay out of a depressive state, I called and talked to my friends as much as possible before finally I took a taxi to the airport. My plan was to apply for my visa in the next month or so so hopefully if I'm lucky I won't have to go back to the UK for that long after returning. When I landed I was greeted by Arlo and our other friend Odie.

"Y/N!" Arlo hugged me "come on we have the guest room prepared for you, plus you're in need of some tlc" we walked to the twos shared house in the middle of the woods where they Had a house that they split payments on, Arlos room was on the top floor and odies on the bottom, they had a spare room three doors down from Arlo's room, the top floor also held A bathroom and living room, the bottom a big kitchen, A dining room (rarely ever used) and a special room for their cats (the cats were allowed around but there were more toys and play structures in there). Arlo did the cooking and odie did the dishes, they both had large social media platforms, both faceless, the two had been friends since Odie (the younger of the two) was born. Arlo was known for streaming Minecraft, Odie cosplayed and made other tiktoks and sometimes joined Arlo on live. Yes that was a long monologue about the two best friends (basically siblings)

After I unpacked I walked downstairs to the smell of burgers and fresh homemade French fries. Odie was half in cosplay and Arlo was taking in a VC with someone named Sam (not the creeper).

"Ari I gotta head, were streaming horror games Friday 9:30 pm your time right" Arlo flips a burger then responds

"Sounds good! Send my love you your pets" It hung up the phone and started serving up food, Odie grabbed some root beer and handed one two me.

After we ate Arlo stayed to talk while Odie did the dishes

"Tomorrow I'll get you a binder and some more clothes, don't worry about paying me back I'm still working the coffee shop gig and I don't really need the extra money"

"Ari you've always been more of a brother than George I can't thank you enough" Zey smile

"You don't have to" we sat and talked until I got tired from the jetlag and went to my room.


Its slightly shitty but its there :3 I'm writing it for a friend DREAM WILL BE THERE I PROMISE

Try and remember to eat and drink at some point today though I'm not forcing you

And remember I love you! I'm proud if you! Go be a bad bitch! You are a pretty boy!

You have a brother? Dream x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now