my gf needs care

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It was a regular day in Mystic Falls me and my girlfriend have been dating for over a year now here's a few facts about me and her we both love food we're both very short and we both have brown hair. Anyways today was Monday a regular day until lunch came me and my girlfriend normally have lunch together and my girlfriend's the type that normally eats but today was different I noticed her face was bright red and her jaw looked very swollen so I mentioned her love what's wrong with your face she says my mouth hurts I say oh you know my mom is a dentist right and she's like yeah fun fact about my girlfriend she's in foster care so she doesn't really get that much attention I call it my mom after school and ask hey Mom something's wrong with my girlfriend I was wondering if you could take a look she's like of course bring her in tomorrow I text my girlfriend and be like hey sweetheart I talked to my mom about it and she's going to see you tomorrow after she gets to work we are both not going to school tomorrow and I will be taking care of you. Sends me a ❤️ says thank you my love I was too scared to say anything but it's been really hurting.

12 hours later

I drive or to her place and go into her bedroom and noticed her face is much more swollen then yesterday day I pull out a pair of nike sweat pants and one of many of the tshirts I gave her and rub her face and say sweetheart you gotta get up we gotta go see my mom  she groans and grabs her face and starts to cry I say does it hurt honey she nodds I put her pants on and then her shirt. She asked me can mom brush my teeth instead of Me I say. I say does it hurt to brush your teeth  she looks up at me and nods I cup her face and ask what shoes do you want to she points to her slide I grab those and put them on her feet and ask do you want me to carry you to the car she nodds her head while holding her face  a carrier to the car then drive 15 minutes to my mom's clinic and said baby do you want me to carry you inside and and she says yeah I pick her up and carry her inside the receptionist says Hey Miguel how are you that I say good can I go back to see my mom she's like yes do you have an appointment I said no my girlfriend does Alicia filiano I then walk back and see my mom and say she's in a lot of pain please help I set her down on the chair and Alicia grips ahold of my hand and I said Mom can you grab me a seat I want some next to her she's like of course Mia I will and then sit down and wait for my mom to get stuff ready then she says Alicia I'm going to lay the chair back and okay Mija she nods she grips my hand as she is laid back my mom you can call her meta says okay sweetheart can you open up for me I'm only using my mirror which lets me see your teeth and the scale to see and count your teeth she looks at my girlfriend looks at me and she has these big blue eyes and I said it's okay my mom won't hurt you so Alicia opens up and I just wait

Methodist view I tell Alicia to open up and I start counting her teeth they all look beautiful nice and healthy but then I get to the back and I see four protruding wisdom teeth and very tender and swollen gums and I say Alicia is it okay if I touch one of your teeth she nods I start scaling one of her wisdom teeth and she immediately starts crying and says I'm so sorry sweetheart I'm going to set you up okay and we can talk about what's wrong I set her up and tell her Miguel I wasn't either coming in and they're infected and they need to be pulled ASAP he's like when can you do it I say today I can tell the other dentist to take care of my appointments and I can work on Alicia 

Alicia nodds and says please take pain away meta said yes sweetheart I'm going to give you medicine to make you go to sleep and then you'll wake and the pain will be gone you may be a little sore for the next few days but mija will take good care of you trust me I taught him well sweetheart imma go grab the tools I need do you want anything she nodds and says can te amo stay until I'm asleep  I said ofcourse mija do you want some laughing Gas while I place your iv in she saids yes  I place the nub on her nose  Miguel said mi amor I love you so much hdont fight the medicine me mama gave you when your done we can watch your favorite ncis and eat ice pops and soup she whispered in my ears kiss me te amo I make sure to be careful when I kissed her on the lips I grabbed her hand and say look at me my love I watch her close her eyes and then my mom kicked me out

Metas view

Once I kicked my son out I place a bite block and scale under her gums around her wisdom teeth and suction the blood and build up away because she has alot of build up and then I take topical and rub it around her wisdom teeth and the back of her mouth  I then do the injections first on the sides then the back behind her wisdom teeth and then open her gums and and drill her wisdom teeth in half then use tweezers and take out 8 pieces of 4 wisdom teeth  them I stitch her gums up and place 4 rolled gauze in her mouth then give her saline drip to awake up

I said mija she is done I have a few things I  want to tell you 1 she can only eat soft foods for the next few days  ice every 30 minutes no oral sex no drinking with straws or vaping or smoking change her gauze every 30 minutes no spitting and minimum talking and dint let her play with her face

Miguel is here
Mi amor sh babe no talking let's go to my place I thanked mi mama and said imma take her back to our home I don't want her recovering from surgery in a foster home I carry her to the car and she starts talking saying I love you Miguel I wanna marry you  have kids and grow old together I say I do to mi she starts to cry I say whats wrong honey she said mama took me touge sweetheart she didn't take your touge your just numb she put her finger hard my my dick and say give me some I said are you horny Chica she nodds I said you can have some once you are feeling better  I carry her inside and lay her on my bed keeping her head elevated and hold ice on her face she trys grabbing my dick so I just let her hand stay there while holding ice on her face

Hey guys pls send me some ideas I am running out

dental stories Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora