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"Hey, how ya feeling, shortcake?"

You slowly lift your head off your pillow and turn slightly to see the tall, rooster headed captain of the volleyball team. "Oh, hi, Tetsu. My head hurts, but other than that I think I'm doing pretty good. What are you doing here?"

Kuroo steps into the room, slowly approaching you on your bed. "I helped your brother get you some teas. Everyone on the team is worried about you."

"I'm sorry."

He carefully sits down at the foot of your bed. "No need to apologize- it wasn't your fault."

"Ok. Where is Mori?"

"In the kitchen with your parents."

"Why did you come up to my room?"

"To check on you, obviously." The third year chuckled.

You sighed, feeling your head throb slightly. "Is that the only reason?" You quirked and eyebrow.

Kuroo smirked. "Ya caught me." He held his hands up in defeat. "I really just wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

He took a deep breath. "How do you feel about Kenma?" He needed to know what was most likely going to be said if his friend were to ever confess to you.

"Kenma? He's a good senpai and I value our friendship?"

"Is that all?"

You tipped your head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Kuroo sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Nothing romantic?"

"No. Why?"

"Just curious." Then the perfect question came to mind. "Do you like anyone as more than a friend?"

You tensed slightly. You had a sneaking suspicion that your feelings for a certain person were changing, but you hadn't been 100% sure of it. "M-maybe...."

"Is it Lev, by any chance?"

You felt your face heat up, it now turned a light pink hue. "I-"

"Don't know for sure?" Kuroo finished your thoughts for you, already having suspected that might be the case.

You nod. "I mean... h-how do you know for certain?"

The older boy grinned. "Heart racing, feel your face heat up - whether you're with him or not, you can just be simply thinking about him and feel those things happening. You might also smile a lot or differently than how you normally would. And you might like him more than you like others. Does that help?"

You nod, thinking you might be able to finally answer your brother's question. "Yeah, that helped a lot. Thanks, Tetsu."

He nodded. "Anytime.... So, do you know how you feel about Lev?"

"I think I might like Lev... as more than a friend."

Kuroo chuckled lightly. "Kinda figured you might. I have no problems with that. Do whatever you feel would be best."

"I'm not sure what to do, Tetsu."

"Confess your feelings. Or just, start acting on them a little more. It's really up to you."

You thought for a few moments before looking into the boy's hazel orbs. "Why are you talking to me about all this, Tetsu? What was the point of asking me all those questions?"

He took a sharp inhale. "I can't tell you all the details."

"Why not?"

"It's not my place to share all that info. But I can tell you that it's important to be careful with each member of the team. No matter how you act with them, make sure that it doesn't negatively affect them. The team doesn't need anyone to be distracted by a relationship or unable to focus because they were rejected by someone they have to see all the time. It also wouldn't do any good if members start turning on each other and become even less likely to work well with each other."

"Is something serious going on between the other guys?"

Kuroo didn't meet your gaze. "Kind of. I really can't give you any of the details though."

You understood. "It's fine. I promise to be careful. I won't let the team fall into complete chaos." YOU give the bedhead a warm smile.

He returned a soft smile of his own. "Thanks, shortcake. I really appreciate it. Hope you get better soon."

You two wrapped your arms each other, just embracing with plenty of warmth between the both of you.

Morisuke walked into the room, seeing the two of you hugging. He made sure to keep his voice down, not wanting to make the pain of your head worse. "Kuroo, what are you doing?"

The captain flinched. "Yakkun, it's nothing bad- nor is it sexual."

You give your brother a sweet, innocent smile. "Don't worry, he was just giving me a hug and wishing me to get better. He was just concerned about my health- like how you are." You assured the boy, hoping it'd be enough to calm him down and not lash out at Kuroo.

It seemed to have worked- Morisuke calmed down almost immediately. "Ok. I trust nothing would happen between you two anyways. Also... I brought you some f/f tea." He held out a mug filled with your favorite kind of tea.

You smile, taking the mug from his hands. "Thanks, Mori."

He nodded, giving you small smile. "Anything for my baby sis. Kuroo, let's leave and let her rest now."

The taller third year nodded, getting off of your bed and making his way over to Morisuke. "Alright. Get well, Y/n. I'll see ya."

"See ya, Tetsu."

Kuroo gives you a final smile before exiting the room with your brother, who closed the door behind them. Behind the closed door, the two boys grab each others' hands, intertwining their fingers.

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