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"Nick!" I looked up and smiled when I noticed my girlfriend, Chelsea, standing on the train platform, waving excitedly. I quickened my pace and was soon right in front if her, pulling her into my arms. She pecked my lips before nuzzling into my shoulder. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. My mum says 'hi', by the way." I told her, holding out the plastic container filled with home made cookies my mum had given me to bring back.

"Your mum is adorable." She took the box in one hand, before linking her other arm through mine as we headed to the exit. "I'm sad I couldn't come with you this weekend."

"That's okay. We'll find another weekend to go down together."

The outside air is chilly but we're both bundled up in layers so it's not too bad. We fell into easy conversation, Chelsea filling me in on her weekend activities while I told her about the relaxing visit to Rochester.

There's a little café not far from my apartment building that we like to go to so Chelsea dragged me inside and into one of the little window booths. My weekend suitcase was stashed under the table and we  ordered our usual hot chocolates and slice of cake.

Chelsea was in the middle of telling me a story about something that happened on her shift yesterday when my attention is drawn to a young man walking past the window. He has a black eye and swollen lip and is cradling one arm close to his chest. He looks like he has been crying and could probably burst into tears again at any second. The man is gone before I get the chance to really take in what I'm seeing but Chelsea catches my attention again, waving her hand in my face.

"You okay, Nick?"

"Mm. Yeah, just, did you see that guy?"

"What guy?" She cranes her neck to try and see what I'm talking about but I can't see the guy now either.

"Never mind. It was just some guy I saw, looked like he'd been injured but I guess it can't be that bad if he's able to disappear like that." I look back at her and take her hand across the table. "Sorry, what were you saying?"


The guy I saw through the window doesn't leave my thoughts even later that night after I've said goodbye to Chelsea and I'm sitting at the desk in my room, trying to focus on my pre-reading for uni tomorrow. He looked so fragile and broken. A part of me, a part I'd never realised I had, had wanted nothing more than to rush after him and help him.

That was weird, right?

Why would some random stranger being injured cause such an intense reaction in me? I shake my head, trying to get rid of these confusing thoughts and look back at the open textbook in front of me. I'm just about able to focus again when I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Nicholas?" God, I wish my housemate would just call me Nick. He sounds so pretentious using my full name.

"Yeah?" The door swings open and he saunters in, sitting on my bed. "What do you want, Harry?"

"Just checking in. Had a good weekend?"

"Yeah, I guess. Just hung out with my mum, mostly."

"How lame. Anyway, I'm throwing a party on Friday. Just the usual group. You in?"

"A party? Here?"


"Uh, okay. Yeah. Can Chelsea come too?"

"Only if she brings some other chicks along too." I struggle not to roll my eyes but nod anyway.

"I'll talk to her." Harry stands up to leave but I call out to him, "Hey, I'm not going to be left with a massive clean up all on my own again am I?"

"Of course not." Something makes me doubt the sincerity of his promise but I let it go for now, just wanting to get back to work.

I try for another half an hour before giving up and shoving my books into my bag, ready for tomorrow and flopping down onto my bed to scroll through my phone. There are a couple of missed messages.

Mum: Did you get home safely, Nick? Say hello to Chelsea for me and tell her she's welcome to come by any time.

Nick: yeah, I did. Sorry for not texting before. Chelsea says thanks for the cookies. Well try to come down together soon.

Chelsea: miss you again already. coffee before class tomorrow? xx

Nick: miss you too. coffee sounds good. i'll pick you up at 8? x

I spend some time scrolling through social media and checking the uni Intranet to see if there are any updates about the upcoming social events but soon enough my eyes start to feel heavy so I plug in the charger and bury myself under the blankets, falling asleep quickly, my dreams filled with the broken-looking man from outside the café.

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