chapter 1

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Law pov:
Mugiwara-ya finally woke up after the fight with kaido which we obviously won. It is shocking but he literally broke into impel down and went back into war just because his brother.

But anyways mugiwara-ya keeps on talking about his gear 5. I think he doesn't realize that he became the fucking sun god. But I honestly don't care at this point. If he becomes the king of the world I won't be surprised.

Well now since mugiwara-ya is awake we should probably head out of this country.

Suddenly a black smoke appeard Infront of me "what the fuck?!" The smoke was making my dizzy...and then I passed out

After I woke up I'm in some sort of a hall? When did I get here?? "Oh your awake" "who said that?!" I quickly go into guardian position "right behind you" and I look around and see no people expect a picture

"See?" Wait the picture just talked. Wtf. "What the hell is going on.." I whisper to myself. But it was loud enough for the picture to hear "I should be asking that" the picture said sharpening it's gaze on me "huh?" I obviously don't know what they are talking about

"How did you get in here?" The picture said with very serious tone "I honestly don't know" I say now leaving since I hate that picture now. It keeps on looking at me with the worst death glare I ever saw. Like damn mugiwara-ya has better one then you do. 

Speaking of him. I see him sleeping on the floor. Should I wake him up? Well we are in unknown territory and he is stronger then me so I probably should. I'm not saying that I'm weak just yk

Okay I just want to wake him up since why can he sleep and I can't? Like he sleeps so much and I'm here with like 3 hours of sleep for like 2 weeks.

"Mugiwara-ya wake up" I know that this won't probably work. And it didn't

"UGHHH..... mugiwara-ya I have meat.." god I hate how his brain works "MEAT?!" Mugiwara-ya reacts rather quickly to somebody saying meat. Imagine if you tell him that you have meat for him but it's ya dick. LIKE IMAGINE-

"Where the meat torao?!" I have to resist the urge to say here and point at my crotch. (IM SORRY) "I just said that to wake you up idiot."

"No fair!!" He said looking away. "Anyways do you know where we are torao?" Nope. Totally not. "No, but we could ask the pictures?" Is sounded crazy

"Did you go crazy torao?" "NO I DIDNT ASK SOMETHING THAT PICTURE BEHIND YOU" I yell at him since he is so annoying... Mugiwara-ya turned around to face the portrait (I couldn't remember how it was called before so I called it a picture and I'm too lazy to fix It :'))

"Do you have meat?" I should've expect that question"no I dont but i can tell you where you can find It" the portrait said and mugiwara-ya was oddly happy about that "SUGGEEEEEEEE, and tell me where meat!" Of course. Idiot

"Go down this hallway and then right" portrait said but I'm already creating room "torao!! Take me there!!" "Yes yes already working on it" the portrait looked at confused until it heard "room" "shambles"  I know that the portrait must be shocked since not everybody knows about the ope-ope devil fruit.

"We are here" I say letting go of mugiwara-ya "now where's meat?" I know that mugiwara-ya started to use his observation haki.

"Behind this picture!" Mugiwara-ya said going to the picture with furits "hmm" I carefully observe the picture. Something is fishy about it and how can be meat behind that picture?

The picture opend?? What?? Okay I'm so confused. "Torao! I smell meat let's go!!" Mugiwara-ya jumped into the picture. In the picture was a kitchen and what looked like elves. I follow mugiwara-ya since I don't want him to cause too much trouble

OMFG I'm gay?? and I realized it at Hogwarts?? [lawlu]Where stories live. Discover now