How it happened

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Cale Henituse was sleeping peacefully, embracing two kittens and a (very adorable) dragon. The sleep had gifted him a colourful and lively dream which was soon interrupted by a pitch black and uncomfortable feeling overwhelming the previous dream.

This time Cale found himself standing infront of a certain bastard of a God who was known as 'The God of Death'.
Cale felt very annoyed for someone disturbing his peaceful dream. The warmness of the first dream also disappeared with that as the black took over his dream. He felt quite cold now.

He looked at the God's face and saw a shit-eating grin dancing on the said God's lips.

"You must be wondering why i called you here, right?", the God of Death asked obviously knowing Cale's secret thoughts and how Cale was cursing him about the sudden situation he was pulled into.

" Of course I was wondering that." Cale gave him a very creepy smile. "Care to tell me why is that?" Cale continued , still using that smile.

"Ok, so you'll be transported into an another dimension."


"What? Don't give me that look. It will be only 1 hour you'll be disappear from this world, where in that worldline, it will be few years."


"OH, come on! Say something!"

"How can you say something when you've been told that you are going to be transferred in to a whole new dimension where you don't even know anything at all." , Cale glared at the God, annoyed.

"Don't worry, Cale." The God grinned. " I'll let you know the future of that dimension with a person's point of view.", The God said.

Cale exhaled a sigh from his mouth which he didn't knew he was holding and said , "I have no choice in it. Have I?"

"No, you don't." The God said which caused Cale to seemed that the God completely ignored it and continued, "Anyways, Now I am going to give you the memory so that you can change the fate of that person."


God of them started showing the past, present and future of the world Cale will be transferred to.

God of Death showed Cale the point of view of Penelope Eckart, the adopted daughter of Duke Eckart who was labeled as 'The Villainess' of the worldline.

Cale saw how many times she died while facing the 'male leads' and how hard her life was.

Cale saw how Penelope's two adopted elder brother treated her harshly as she was taken in after their blood-sister had gone missing and thought she was just a exchange for their little sister. They hated her whole existence but Penelope still tried to be their sister.They saw her as nothing but nuisance, disgrace for the 'Eckart' Family. They completely overlooked that the maid's who were supposed to bow down to their master, gave her rotten pieces of food.

Her life completely turned upside down after the 'real daughter' of the duke came back and every wrong step she would take, she would be killed mercilessly by the supposed 'male leads'.

He saw how in one of the route when she didn't agree with Yvone Eckart, the 'real' daughter of the duke, she was poisoned to death.

He, apparently, could feel the feeling when she died every time. And every time it did, it pained him very much time, every single time.

The memory showing was stopped and Cale looked at the God who had now a emotionless expression.

Cale noticed he was sweating waterfall. He brushed his hair with his hand and breathed heavily, trying to calm his nerves down.

"So..?" That God had audacity to ask this question to him after what he had showed him.

"I have to change the fate of Penelope, right?" Cale asked as if it was the obvious question.

"Yes, you're right, Cale. You have to change the future of Penelope."

"Ok but in which character I will be tranmigrated to?"

The God of Death, simply hearing the question, laughed. " Ok so you'll become her twin sibling. "

"...wait.., but Penelope didn't have any twin tho..?" Cale asked dumbfounded.

The God infront of him said something which caused a Thunde on Cale's head.
" Yes, she didn't. But now she'll do."

Cale was going to ask him about something as he saw that he was being taken away to a place from where a bright white light was coming.

"Complete your job, Cale and remember you have to act very nicely towards everyone until you get a massage that you can act on your own will then."

Cale frowned while thinking why did he have to act very nicely towards them. Oh well, he didn't care as he just had to save Penelope from all the death route, getting her a happily ever and returning to his home and get the slacker life he always wanted.

After opening his eyes, he saw himself standing outside of a large mansion which he was unfamiliar but also familiar with as he saw the same mansion in Penelope's memory, every time.

He could feel himself being shorter than he previously was which indicated that he had become younger. He could feel the cold wind passing while kissing his skin. He suddenly tensed up after feeling someone's hand on his shoulder.

He turned back and was faced with a girl who was as tall as him.

'Wait, is that who I think it is?'Cale thought eternally.

"Brother Cale, are you okay? I saw you zoned out some times ago." The child's voice sounded so delicate as a glass.

Not trying to worry her anymore and remembering the God of Death's saying, Cale decided to answer while smiling, " Everything's okay. I was just thinking about something."

"Thinking about how it suddenly turned out, huh?"

"Yes.." , Cale decieded to answer a short yet simple answer because he found out in which event he was transferred. It was the moment when Duke Eckart took Penelope with him to his house and introduced his childern, Derrick Eckart, the heir of the dukedom and Reynold Eckart, to Penelope.

This day was going to be long. Wasn't it?

The Duke took them inside the hou-mansion and led them to a room.

"If you two need anything, you can tell me. Your rooms are being prepared. This maids will help you clean yourself and present yourself after that in my office." The duke Eckart said to them.

The maids who came to prepare them quickly cleaned them and prepare them.

They were given themselves mirror and Cale saw how his hair had turned into a light pink colour and his eyes were blue.

Cale then looked at Penelope who looked so cute in the new dress she was wearing and noticed that how his-now-sister and him were so alike.

He remembered why the duke had taken her. It was because of her hair colour and eye-colour matching so much with Yvone, his six year old missing daughter.

"Penelope you're looking very pretty today." Cale said to her which caused to smile a little.

"You're looking cute too, brother." Penelope also said back.

'I am looking.. cute..?' Cale couldn't help but wonder.

They went outside of the room. The maids led them to the Duke's office and ..left...

" Penelope, stay still. I am going to knock on this door." Cale said as he saw Penelope was getting nervous by each second.

Penelope just nodded.

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